• "just like my dad used to say: "what's remembered, lives". i maybe spent too much of my life just remembering." — nomadland (2020)
  • "loneliness has followed me my whole life, everywhere. in bars, in cars, in sidewalks, stores, everywhere. there's no escape. i'm god's lonely man." — taxi driver (1976)
  • "one of the things i love most about this life is that there's no final goodbye. you know, i've met hundreds of people out here and i don't ever say a final goodbye. i always just say, "i'll see you down the road." and i do. and whether it's a month, or a year, or sometimes years, i see them again." — nomadland (2020)
  • "then everyone is missing half the world’s pleasure. the gods made that (women), and it delights me. the gods made this (men)…and it delights me. when it comes to war i fight for dorne, when it comes to love…i don’t choose sides." — oberyn martell, game of thrones - season 4
  • "anyway... i never liked you, but still, it's like we're friends... almost. and i respect you. so, i'm gonna tell you something because you're probably the only person who will understand. i used to hate the world, and i was happy when everyone died. but i was wrong because there was one person worth saving. that's what i did. i saved him. then i protected him. that's why men like you and me are here. we have a job to do. and god help any motherfuckers who stand in our way." — bill, the last of us
  • "you do what your heart says you have to, because you don't owe anyone your life. not even me." — the fabelmans (2022)
  • "look, sometimes things don't work out the way we hope. you can feel like... like you've come to an end and you don't know what to do next. but if you just keep going you find something new to fight for." — the last of us (2023-)
  • "ya know it could be like this, just like this always." — brokeback mountain (2005)
  • [with his arms around jack] "c'mon now, you're sleepin' on your feet like a horse. my mama used to say that to me when i was little. and sing to me..." — brokeback mountain (2005)
  • "you ever get the feelin'... i don't know, er... when you're in town and... someone looks at you... suspicious, like he knows? and then you go out on the pavement and everyone's looking at you like they all know too?" — brokeback mountain (2005)
  • "he made me breathe funny." — roman, succession
  • "up until now, you've simply sat in the shadows watching others live out their lives. but what do voyeurs see when they look into the mirror? now i see you as a strange mix of someone angry, yet apathetic. but mostly just pathetic." — saw (2004)
  • "i didn't have a lot of friends growing up. i had a stutter when i was a kid, i was scared to speak half of the time. and uh... i got shitty grades ’cause i couldn't pay attention to school, i didn't get into college, i didn't have any girlfriends, i don't think i'm funny." — carmy, the bear
  • "the deeper into this i went, and the better i got. and the more people i cut out, the quieter my life got." — carmy, the bear
oct 19 2021 ∞
oct 13 2023 +