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"Birds are and always have been reincarnated old men with Tourette's syndrome having somehow managed to dupe the reproductive saga. They screw each other and tend to their home repairs and children while never missing their true mission. To scream at the top of their lungs in horrified hellish rage every morning at daybreak to warn us all of the truth. They know the truth. Screaming bloody murder ...

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Stolen from Monica.

  • If I were a month, I'd be February.
  • If I were a day of the week, I'd be Thursday.
  • If I were a time of day, I'd be 4AM.
  • If I were a planet, I'd be Earth.
  • If I were an animal, I'd be a cheshire cat.
  • If I were a direction, I'd be backwards.
  • If I were a piece of furniture, I'd be a cotton-stuffed, beanbag chair.
  • If I were a historical figure, I'd be Marilyn Monroe.
    • (why, yes. she is a part of history.)
  • If I were a liquid, I'd be grape Kool-Aid.
  • If I were a gemstone, I'd be ruby.
  • If I were a tree, I'd be a palm tree.
  • If I were a tool, I'd be a man.
    • rofl. monica's answer.
  • If I were a flower, I'd be a daisy.
  • If I were a kind of weather, I'd be an indian summer.
  • If I were a musical instrument, I'd be an electric guitar.
  • If I were a color, I'd be neon green.
  • If I were an emotion, I'd be ecstasy.
  • If I were a fruit, I'd be a red/yellow apple.
  • If I were a sound, I'd be the "Oh, shit!" gasp that you make when you get caught doing something wrong.
  • If I were an element, I'd be an element...
  • If I were a car, I'd be a 1950's Mercedes Benz.
  • If I were a food, I'd be a bag of Funyuns.
  • If I were a place, I'd be Redlands, California.
  • If I were a material, I'd be cotton.
  • If I were a taste, I'd be bittersweet.
  • If I were a scent, I'd be chlorine in a swimming pool.
  • If I were an object, I'd be a pencil.
  • If I were a body part, I'd be the heart.
  • If I were a facial expression, I'd be a mischeivous grin.
  • If I were a song, I'd be a rural, rock and roll ballad with a mixture of random staccatos and guitar rifts somehow joined with a sick pop beat.
nov 18 2009 ∞
nov 18 2009 +