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"Birds are and always have been reincarnated old men with Tourette's syndrome having somehow managed to dupe the reproductive saga. They screw each other and tend to their home repairs and children while never missing their true mission. To scream at the top of their lungs in horrified hellish rage every morning at daybreak to warn us all of the truth. They know the truth. Screaming bloody murder ...

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Reen hobbies (perfumes)
Patricia about me (Names of my future kids)
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furiousrose food and drink (Favorite drinks)
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  • He made me laugh until my stomach ached.
  • He understood my random, nonsensical sense of humor.
  • He was a gentleman. A rare find these days.
  • He was motivated.
  • We were pretty much opposites, but he loved me more than anything.
  • He never lied to me.
  • He was protective.
    • & even though his jealous immensely annoyed me at times, for the most part, I just thought it was the cutest thing :)
  • Everybody made us their "It" couple.
    • To this day, people we knew are constantly asking "Well, what happened to Roy?" "Are you still with Roy?"
  • We were gonna marry eachother.
  • He was headstrong, and leveled me out pretty well.
  • He got along with my family.
sep 22 2009 ∞
oct 30 2009 +