snagged from apartmentcat!

  • Explore winter vegetables like potatoes, pumpkin, parsnips. Try roasting them with different herbs, or making a stew.
  • Create hot drink mixes: teas, hot chocolate or mulled wine.
  • Now is the time for winter accessories: wear a beret or headwarmer. Decorate it with pins in a forest theme, featuring animals, pinecones or acorns. Or make a pair of ear muffs!
  • Try decorating your scarf with a brooch, too.
  • Layer your scarf with a lace collar, or trying layering two or more scarves with different textures.
  • Start incorporating heavier fabrics and patterns into your look, like tartan and plaid. Wear darker colours like burgundy, navy and hunter green.
  • Mix darker colours with light colours such as beige and dusty pink to keep your outfits looking light and airy.
  • Add faux fur accessories to your look, such as a hat or capelet.
  • Baking is the perfect winter activity that will make the house warm and smell wonderful too. Bake hearty winter food like bread, biscuits or scones.
  • Drink plenty of water and tea, and make sure that your skin is moisturised.
  • Cook desserts with winter fruits: apples and pears. Bake a fruit pie and decorate it with pastry leaves.
  • Visit a cafe or bakery and take photos of the food. When you get home, draw or paint them.
  • Take a hot bath or shower with relaxing scented bath products.
  • Decorate your home with projects that will make it cosy: cushions, wallhangings and window coverings.
  • Great crafts for winter include knitting and weaving. Try crafts that add a cosy touch like flocking, making doilies or making huggable stuffed toys.
  • Decorate your home with winter-themed things like pine branches or snowflakes.
  • Make a forest diorama to remind you of the outdoors when it's too cold and wet.
  • Or make a clove-studded pomander.
  • Set up an oil burner with pine scent in it. Warm scents like cinnamon and citrus are wonderful for the home, too.
  • Take advantage of good weather by visiting the park or forest. Take photos of moss or other natural finds. Collect things to bring inside to remind you of nature when you can't venture outside.
  • If you are able, plan a short winter trip to the country. Or visit a cafe or pub with a fireplace.
  • Create a 'Christmas in July' meal or activity day to share with friends.
  • Make some Christmas ornaments and wrap them up to give to yourself in December.
  • Make roasted nuts
oct 28 2019 ∞
oct 28 2019 +