The UV index does not exceed 8 in the UK (8 is rare; 7 may occur on exceptional days, mostly in the two weeks towards the end of June). Indices of 9 and 10 are common in the Mediterranean area.

In the UK, the sun's UV rays are the strongest when the sun is highest in the sky between 11am and 3pm, from [mid March] to late September. During this time, the sun can be strong enough to cause sunburn.


UV index

Index Exposure

  • 1-2 Low - 60min to burn - sunscreen/parasol
  • 3-5 Moderate - 45min to burn - sunscreen & parasol from this point onwards
  • 6-7 High - 30min to burn
  • 8-10 Very high - 15min to burn
  • 11 Extreme (stay indoors from 10am—4pm)
mar 15 2020 ∞
jul 10 2021 +