The Good Housekeeping cleaning guide has been created by experts from an almanac of recommendations and cleaning tips compiled over decades.
There are those jobs which need doing every day, often so that it can prevent the spread of germs as well as keeping the place tidy. These include:
- Washing up dirty plates
- Cleaning the toilet bowl
- Making the beds
- Putting dirty clothes into the wash basket
- Cleaning the coffee maker
- Wipe down worktops and tables
- Sweep kitchen floors
- Wipe down bathroom surfaces and walls
- Sanitise sinks
The jobs that should be done once a week include:
- Vacuuming
- Dusting surfaces
- Putting towels in the wash
- Scrubbing bathroom surfaces (as well as cleaning toothbrush cups)
- Changing bedsheets
- Tossing expired food
- Mop kitchen & bathroom floors
- Clean all mirrors
- Dust furniture
- Wipe down kitchen appliances
- Clean inside of microwave
- Sanitise sponges
The once a month list includes:
- Washing the windows
- Vacuuming under the furniture and vents
- Cleaning blinds
- Washing the doormat
- Clean washing machine & vacuum, and dishwasher if owned
Beyond that, every 3-6 months:
- Vacuuming the mattress
- Dry cleaning duvets and washing pillows
- Wiping down the inside of the fridge and cleaning the oven both inside and out
- Clean under and behind furniture
- Descale coffee maker and kettle
- Freshen drains and bins
- Clean out freezer
- Wash car
And, finally, the once a year jobs, which are more obscure but just as important, include:
- Clearing the gutters
- Wiping lightbulbs
- Deep clean carpet and upholstery
- Deep clean windows
- Clean around dryer and vents
Washing clothes
How Often to Wash Clothes
Every use:
- Tights
- Shirts and blouses
- wash cloths
Every 3-4 uses:
- Pyjamas
- Bath towels
- bras and slips
- camisoles
- dresses
- skirts
- sweaters
- jeans
- trousers
- hand and dish towels
Every week:
- sheets
- pillowcases
- Bath mats
Every month:
- dressing gown
- mattress protector
- pillow liners
Every three months:
- throw blankets
- throw rugs
- outerwear
Every 6 months: