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I will crawl, there's things that are worth giving up I know; but I won't let this get me, I will fight. You live the life you're given with the storms outside. Somedays all I do is watch the sky.

listography NEW NEWS

Copied from Jamie, and then Erin. <3 <3 <3

  • In the Krispy Kreme drive through, I ran into this guy in front of me. I thought I was hitting the break; turns out it was the gas. He refused to give me his insurance info, so my parents are pretty sure he just didn't have any. Because he never turned it in. Also my car was fine. But I was like 16 and had only had my car for maybe 3 months. Bad news bears.
  • My car window getting broken out like 41850 times. Not exaggerating.
  • One time, I was driving home from school and was stopped at a light when this girl just plowed into the back of my car. I was at this awkward intersection on a bridge so instead of stopping and just having cars go around me, I drove off. hahaha But with the intention of pulling over the first second there was room. Looking back, there was lots of room. I was alone and didn't know what to do. At like 18. But she followed me, and her excuse? "Sorry I looked down to light my cigarette and didn't see you stopped." All the cd's in my visor pouch thing came crashing down and hit me in the face. That's how hard she hit me. I was freakin pissed. Also, she ashed all over my car while we were exchanging information. Once again, my car was not damaged. Maybe just a few scratches. She was still a hooker, though.
    • My parents sold this car, my very first car, like 2 weeks later. Without telling me. Saddest day of my life.
  • One time, while driving home from Bozeman, I hit a patch of ice on the bridge leading into the pass and lost control, and slammed into the guard rail. I freaked out because I didn't tell my parents I was going to Bozeman and had to call them to tell them I needed a tow. I had a flat tire, which I could have changed, but my car wouldn't move. So I called my dad and while I was on the phone with him, this idiot, Chad Maile, plowed right into the back of me. My dad thought I died. Then, like 30 seconds later, this girl, age 16, freaking plowed into the back of him, sending him into me, again. These people need to get their eyes checked.
    • Chad Maile was "hurt" and also lied to the police and told them he didn't see my flashers. Also, he changed his story like 16 times. And also sued me.
    • It gets better. The 16 year old girl's parents decided to sue me because her computer was on the dash, and it fell on the floor during the crash and broke. Great reason. Sue happy c*ck suckers.
    • Also, Chad Maile not only sued me, but her as well. Just in case one didn't go through. Hateee.
  • One time Evan was backing out of my drive way when he turned too fast and hit the front bumper of my car, against the back bumper of my dad's truck. It ripped off my bumper and light, but my dad's truck was fine. Nice 2000 dollar bill, though.
  • One time, my car was parked in the bank lot at work, and some more you know what's broke my window and stole my purse. My purse was under the seat. And it had some really sentimental stuff in it. Like my coin purse, some money from my first trip to Ethiopia, my first legal i.d., and junk. And they prob stole like 3 dollars out of my wallet and threw my fave purse in the trash. =[
    • Oh, also the cop who came to dust my car for prints told me that he couldn't contact the bank about video surveillance because he worked nights. Oh, ok. Sorry you might have to work during the day, ass hole. Thanks for doing your part to make this place safe.
    • Also, the bank said they don't have footage. When they do.
mar 22 2010 ∞
mar 26 2010 +