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I will crawl, there's things that are worth giving up I know; but I won't let this get me, I will fight. You live the life you're given with the storms outside. Somedays all I do is watch the sky.

listography NEW NEWS
  • once, in 4th grade, when i forgot that it was a mass day and we weren't allowed to wear shorts, i wore shorts. so i wrapped my coat around my legs and zipped it up, like a skirt. i was positive that none of the teachers knew. they probably did.
  • when we'd go to north dakota and my parents would let me drive from south hart to my grandparents farm. even though i was 6.
  • pretty much every saturday night, we'd go to apple bees.
  • on one birthday dinner, we went to olive garden. 14 years ago, they didn't do birthday desserts either. so they gave me a breadstick with a candle and sang "buena festa" to me. and i remember the exact table we sat at.
  • when nick and i were little, we'd pretend we were monkeys and would play on these big giganto balls in my front yard. my pretend name was olympia.
  • dumpling soup days.
  • one time, i got to carry the olympic torch. in columbus, montana.
  • when my dad used to take me to the library and he'd read to me every night before bed.
  • even though i hated it, i miss bike rides. the day long rides from my house to the heights.
  • board games.
  • one time my parents bought a shit ton of wood, or something, and it came in this long, rectangle box. So Nick and I cut out a hole and created a canoe. And he stuffed his sleeping bag in it and we had sleepovers in each others rooms in the canoe.
oct 14 2009 ∞
jan 14 2010 +