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I will crawl, there's things that are worth giving up I know; but I won't let this get me, I will fight. You live the life you're given with the storms outside. Somedays all I do is watch the sky.

listography NEW NEWS
  • Another diamond falling out of my ring.
    • Which means I will probably have to pick out a new one.
    • Do these people not realize it's not about the money? It's about the sentiment? Hellooooo?
  • Also, if I decide to get it fixed, why is it going to take FOUR MONTHS to fix? That seems ridic. That is 1/3 of the year.
  • Having a headache.
    • Crying always gives me a headache. Which makes me want to curl up in a ball and die.
  • Hulu only having seasons 1 and 6 of Desperate Housewives. WTF am I suppose to do about seasons 2-5? Rent them???
  • My room is approximately 45 degrees colder than it is outside. With a heater on. So, I think my parents should sell the igloo and purchase a real house.
    • For the last 5 months of my single life...
  • My x-bf has a real cute listing.
    • I hate her for it.
    • Reading the Sunday paper is not stalking.
  • I slipped on the wet floor at work and fell into a chair. The kind with the paper thin metal back. So now my elbow muscle bone thing is broken. On the inside slash underneath. And it hurts like a bitch.
  • My current obsession is a pink or white Chanel wallet. The kind with the CC on the edge, you know? Yeah, either they are from China and a total scam for like $25, or from Chanel's grave itself, and like $30000. So not worth it.
  • Along with that, my coworker told me about and there is no where to pay on there. It says everything is $0.00. Nice. Send me my shit.
  • Today was my last week day of spring break and I spent it working a split at work. Hate. I also accomplished like 3 things off my list. =[
  • I went to a bridal show and entered to win some "prizes" and then, every vendor sold my name and number to these stupid companies who keep calling and trying to sell me shit. And "congratulate" me on getting engaged. Every 3.291 secs. Hate.
feb 9 2010 ∞
mar 6 2010 +