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I will crawl, there's things that are worth giving up I know; but I won't let this get me, I will fight. You live the life you're given with the storms outside. Somedays all I do is watch the sky.

listography NEW NEWS
  • non trads
  • mindless papers
  • reading assignments 54 pages long
  • powerpoints that look like they were done by a 4th grader
  • 8:40 class
  • three hour long class
  • the school computers
  • liberal, obama loving teachers
  • homework
  • online classes
  • i feel like i could be teaching their idiotic lectures
  • tenure
  • teachers who take roll
  • teachers who never let class out early/never miss class
  • teachers who expect something but never give anything in return
  • the microwave that's too small for my tea cup
  • the over priced cafe
  • the "hot" water that is more of a less-than-luke-warm
  • the school internet that takes about 54 and a half hours to load one page
  • the 12412351459284 databases that i have to look for to find one freaking article for a 10 point paper
  • when papers take you 24 hours to complete (appropriate facebook stalking time allotted) and it is only worth less than 15 points
  • when teachers ask trick questions and then don't refund your wrong answer
  • when you miss the deadline to drop a class
  • when you use up all your sick days in like the first two weeks
  • when people talk in class
  • when people actually raise their hands
oct 20 2009 ∞
jan 14 2010 +