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I will crawl, there's things that are worth giving up I know; but I won't let this get me, I will fight. You live the life you're given with the storms outside. Somedays all I do is watch the sky.

  • horsey rides from my dad
  • the pink egg that matched my dad's pink shirt
    • oh, the 80's...
  • not being able to say my "r's."
    • which is basically my favorite thing ever.
  • how happy my family was.
    • i cannot stop smiling now, knowing how much my parents adored me.
  • being a brat.
    • some things never change.
  • playing nurse, and pulling slivers out of my dad's fingers.
  • my fave shirts:
    • billoon, tmnt, mickey, and penguin
      • note the incorrect spelling: i said it "beee-loon."
  • dancing to ABBA in my living room
  • tea parties with tiger and my britni doll
  • everyone called me Rissi.
    • love, and miss.
  • my little kid bows, that i totally still wear.
  • "MOMMY!!!" "RISSI!!!"
  • my horsey, on springs, that i rode like every minute of every day.
  • i am, in fact, the little kid that i despise so much today. the child that climbs up the high chair, and right back out of it, spills her food all over the floor, and screams at the top of her lungs at the most inappropriate times.
    • this totally changes my attitude toward children in restaurants.
  • mommy and daddy. i miss calling them that. even though i'm 21 years old.
  • that my mom trusted the world enough to video tape me from inside the house while i played outside.
  • eating snow by the handful and then throwing it at the windows.
  • my toy kitchen. i loved that thing to death.
  • The Christmas edition:
    • As I'm shaking the bottle, "Saaaampoooo!!!"
    • My mom, "No, I think that's bubble bath."
    • Me, "But I don't hear any bubbles."
dec 28 2009 ∞
mar 7 2010 +