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I will crawl, there's things that are worth giving up I know; but I won't let this get me, I will fight. You live the life you're given with the storms outside. Somedays all I do is watch the sky.

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Cross this entire list off. Because Steve and Karen decided to rent it out other 18 year old daughter who "couldn't find a house and had been looking for 6 months." An 18 year old does not need a house. I am getting married. Therefore I do. Anyway, wish me luck. I'm trying to convince Evan to buy me a house.


  • House. House. House. It is a freaking house. Not an apartment, a condo, a townhouse, a duplex, a basement. No. It is a h-o-u-s-e HOUSE.
  • We can have the dogs.
  • Three bedrooms. Evan gets his stupid "man room" and I get my amazing craft room.
  • Big laundry room.
  • Nice kitchen.
  • Big bedroom, with potential for master bath.
  • Garage.
  • Backyard.
  • We can paint it however we want.
  • Two living rooms equals lots of furniture.
  • Cheapy, cheap rent.
  • So, effing, cute.
  • Location. Perfecto.
  • Tons of parking. So we can host big, bangin parties!!


  • One bathroom. Problem. One teeny, tiny bathroom.
  • Man room.
  • Backyard is not fenced.
  • We can have the dogs, but not Lila. =[
  • We have to mow the lawn. And by we, I mean Evan.
  • Rent. Blah.
  • Same house Evan grew up in. He's going to be bossy.
  • Evan will have to move in first, and I have to pay 1/2 the rent until I move in. Sick.
feb 24 2010 ∞
mar 21 2010 +