"Episodes I've watched this month."
- How much of a life do you not have that you watch 520514 shows and then proceed to list them all on this website? We. Do. Not. Care.
"Every movie I've ever seen."
- Once again, these lovely lists cause me to feel like I should be in jail. Even though you're the one egging the stalker out of me. I don't care how many times you've seen The Little Mermaid, or that you've seen 618 different movies. Congrats on your eyeball cancer.
Lists in other language.
- How the F am I suppose to stalk you when you don't speak English? Fix.
Lists with less than 3 bullet points.
- Especially when there's only one bullet point.
- Or when it could be a good list and they say one thing. Annoying.
"Reason's why I'm not a girly girl"
- Well since you contradict yourself in every other list on your page, you can stop talking now.