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I will crawl, there's things that are worth giving up I know; but I won't let this get me, I will fight. You live the life you're given with the storms outside. Somedays all I do is watch the sky.

listography NEW NEWS
  • m.
    • i feel bad, but i just don't like you.
    • i no longer feel bad. you are weird, and a creep.
    • please stop touching me.
  • a.
    • oh my gosh. i want you to crawl in a hole.
    • you are so many things that i despise: lazy, boring, obnoxious, loud.
    • do not assume that everyone likes you, because pretty much no one does.
    • also, you are terrible at every job you do. and, i do not know how you are still around.
  • m.
    • no more stories. "shut your stupid faaaaace."
  • t.
    • first, buy a mirror. that should solve lots of problems.
  • t.
    • when i hear your voice, i want to lay down on the highway.
    • you also go in the least fav's category. the top ones.
  • t.
    • touch me again, i dare you.
    • fired.
  • g.
    • you're rude, obnox, and you know what.
    • you're not good at your job, and you're wrong more often than right.
    • also, i don't want to hear about your issues. i see what you eat.
  • a.
    • ok, mrs. god.
  • c.
    • you go on the list, even though you don't count.
    • i love, love, love the fact that not a lot of people like you.
    • crazy bitch.
    • donezo.
  • a.
    • i think i could walk on shards of glass and move faster.
    • also, do not be rude. you're not good at your job, miss temper-tantrum, i'm 4 years old.
  • j.
    • no one wants to hear your stories either.
    • also, how do you even work? i don't think i've ever actually seen you do something.
  • d.
    • i'm only your friend when i do stuff.
    • which is always, so quit being racist against whities.
  • v.
    • i could say so much.
    • just, go away, how about.
  • c.
    • um, remember the time you basically told me you were really horny? inappropriate.
    • go away.
  • h.
    • you're also one of those know-it-all people.
    • and you obviously don't know all about hair.
  • j.
    • i heard you have done some hard core drugs. sick.
    • you're also lazy.
    • and one of the worst section partners in history.
    • remember that time i was your partner in zin and the only thing you did for our big table was get them drinks? yeah, i remember that. i hope we meet again because i will make your life a living hell.
  • m.
    • learn how to communicate. and not be such a dick.
    • also, brush your teeth?
  • b.
    • i can't stand the way you think you're better than everyone.
    • and when you get on your high and mighty power trips, i want to slap you. you're a salad maker for God's sakes.
    • also, if i bring up 24014009 things, have the courtesy slash common sense to help me put them away and take them out of my hands so i don't drop it on the floor.
  • t.
    • i dislike you because you don't know the words "i'm sorry." which you should for about 140 instances in our common lives.
    • also, for being a nasty ass womanizer and man-whore.
    • you're not as BA as you think you are.
    • and your rapping sucks balls.
  • j.
    • i don't know who let you back in, but please go away.
  • d.
    • something has got to be wrong with you.
    • no one is trying to steal your bf away, so please just stop flirting and making out with him to a) make us all jealous or b) show us what we're missing.
  • r.
    • can you please tell me how you're a CT? you do nothing but sit around and suck at your job.
  • j.
    • I'm sick of you being a two faced bitch. My world does not revolve around you and I'm sick of you thinking that it does.
    • You told me that you are so honest and you don't talk about people behind their back because if you can talk to other people then you can talk to them. Or something? Well, that is completely unvalidated when you talk trash about me the very next day.
    • Oh, and I'm sorry you and your bf just broke up, but I have nothing to do with that relationship so please don't bring me in to it by apologizing for something and justifying it with "I'm going through a hard time with X." Oh, well I have shit going on, too, but I'm not walking around blaming other people and crying about it to everyone I know.
  • p.
    • I can't stand you. Your gross body and your gross face. Ew. You should learn how to talk to people and how to be nice because you are just a snotty bitchy transfer. You are not better than us because you came here, we're better than you. Also, you don't know how to tip. Remember that one time I served you and then you were like "here's 5 dollars, oh by the way I have an interview..." Oh by the way, Fuck you.
    • Also, when you stole my salad and then pretended not to, I was so tempted to beat you with the salad tongs. I should have. Skank.
    • Ps. You need a bigger shirt. You are not size 0 like you think you are.
jan 3 2010 ∞
may 14 2010 +