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I will crawl, there's things that are worth giving up I know; but I won't let this get me, I will fight. You live the life you're given with the storms outside. Somedays all I do is watch the sky.

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  • casper I
    • he was my very first cat. we went to a barn to get him and the kids showed me how to hold a kitten. they called him chevy, which i thought was the coooooolest name in the whole wide world. but my parents named him casper because he liked to hide. and when i was in 4th grade casper got hit by a car. my dad came to pick us up from school and said he had something very sad to show us and he went and got casper from the spot with us in the car. he is a sick, sick man. also, sad day.
  • callie-
    • one day i came home and my mom told me to go look in the bathroom (where we kept casper's food) and there was this adorable calico kitten. casper needed a friend. and callie had a nub for a tail that was just about the cutest thing ever. and i loved to tell people that she was a "calico manx siamese" cat because i was pretty sure she was. and one day my brother accidentally slammed her head in the garage door. she had a bad concussion but she lived and after that was pretty much retarded. and then when i was maybe 8th grade? maybe a little later, these kids picked her up from my front yard and took her. i yelled at them to stop, but they didn't. and she never came home =[
  • casper II-
    • my parents thought it was a good idea to get not one, but two cats to replace casper. one that looked exactly the same (thus, casper II) and a black one (keebler). casper has come to be called capper, i don't know why, but i am pretty sure that if he was a person, he would be gay. he also got hit by a car a few years ago, but he lived. and is still living. he liked to pee on things. it's real gross.
  • keebler-
    • keebler also replaced casper I. he's annoying. and still alive. and about the fattest thing ever.
  • misty-
    • for my birthday i got a hamster, named misty. i have no idea why i named it misty, but it lived for exactly one week, stupid pet's mart, and died on mother's day.
  • lila-
    • i got lila because i lived alone and was lonely. she was the cutest kitten in the world. she would climb up my leg and claw the shit out of it and the purr louder than any cat in the whole world. one time evan threw lila off the bed (he said it was an accident) and she was flung into her kennel. =[ and another time, lila was chasing a ball and it went in between the fridge and the wall and she thought she could fit. she couldn't. so she smashed her head. lila has officially replaced me in my family. my dad loves her more than me. also, she knows it and she's a bitch.
    • The very first night I got Lila, I snuck her into a movie theater. Well, the drive-in kind. But a movie theater non the less.
  • ginger-
    • ginger came from baker, mt, when evan and i built a animal shelter. she is half shar pei half brittany spaniel. she's about the cutest dog ever. about, because she isn't THE cutest. she stinks and has a lot of ear infections. also a lot of fatty extra skin. it's the shar pei. she also pees just about every time someone touches her. and evan calls her beaner.
  • snap-
    • i got snap from my ethiopian travel companions, ray and shelli. she's half pekinese half yorkie. which does not substitute for my need to have a full bread yorkie. snap is exactly 6 pounds and pretty much done growing. she is partial to my underwear and shoes and also likes to eat books. i have lost about 10 pairs of underwear to those vicious teeth. but i love the little beast.
  • Bronx/Sybil-
    • Yesterday I decided impulsively to go get a kitten. I've wanted one for a long, long time, but I couldn't wait for Christmas so I just went to HHP and got one. She is the cuuutest little thing. She is a gray tortuous shell with little white, cream, and orange markings. And she has the cutest little patches on her face. We don't know what we want to call her yet. Either Bronx or Sybil and Evan also likes Briggs. But she is so friendly and playful and I just want to put her in my purse and take her everywhere. Which I probably will.
nov 11 2009 ∞
aug 14 2010 +