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I will crawl, there's things that are worth giving up I know; but I won't let this get me, I will fight. You live the life you're given with the storms outside. Somedays all I do is watch the sky.

listography NEW NEWS
  • that dry shit, get that out of here.
  • when it gets windy after a dry snow, and the dry snow, excuse me, teeny tiny ice shards, are blown into my skin at speeds not accessible by even the fastest car. suck.
  • wet snow when it snows weighs down everything, mostly tree branches. on to telephone wires. which knocks out electricity for blocks. do you understand that i need electricity to live?
  • it's cold. me and cold, we do not mix.
  • if you have to walk any amount of distance you basically could have walked into a lake and gotten less wet. your pants get wet up to the pockets and stretch out like 45 sizes and you end up ripping the backs of them because suddenly they're too long and junk.
  • ice. ice on the ground is about as useful as calculus.
  • no matter how much lotion you use, you can never beat the effect the cold has on your skin.
  • it is not ok when .05 seconds after you walk outside, your boogs are already frozen.
  • when evan lives in a shitty house so ice forms on the windows and you can see your breath in his room unless he powers the little heater guy on full effing blast. (and then it's too hot.)
  • when evan has a crappy car so it actually snows inside the car. and the windows are frosted over. FROM THE INSDIE.
  • when snow gives people the license to drive like they're blind and suddenly forget where the lanes used to be.
  • or how to park.
  • or that if you're one and a half blocks away from the light, and it turns yellow, you can stop. guarantee it.
  • or how if you have a truck, you are not allowed to run the rest of us over. your truck drives no better on snow. so get over yourself.
  • how you have to wake up 4 hours earlier because you have to dig yourself out of the house to the car.
  • that anything above 20 degrees feels like summer when it has been negative 25 for weeks.
dec 10 2009 ∞
feb 6 2010 +