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I will crawl, there's things that are worth giving up I know; but I won't let this get me, I will fight. You live the life you're given with the storms outside. Somedays all I do is watch the sky.

listography NEW NEWS
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  • the time you pushed me off the rims
  • the time i dropped the bowling ball
  • the time you proposed
  • the time you took me to the bates motel in baker and bought me a puppy
  • the time we went to ethiopia
  • the time you filled my car with balloons
  • the other time you filled my car with balloons with my best friend
  • the time you took me to get a kitten
  • the time you came to pick me up for class and i was still in bed
  • the time you went to the store at 11:59 to get me cookies
  • the time you made me tea
  • the time you ran after me in the snow
  • the time you spent all day in bed with me
  • the time you picked me up from the bar when i was drunk and i crawled through those people's yard
  • the time you rubbed my feeties
  • the time you told me you could spend the rest of your life with me
  • i love you
oct 14 2009 ∞
jan 14 2010 +