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I will crawl, there's things that are worth giving up I know; but I won't let this get me, I will fight. You live the life you're given with the storms outside. Somedays all I do is watch the sky.

listography NEW NEWS
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  • the time you forgot to take me to denver
  • the time you threw lila off my bed
  • when you snore
  • when you fall asleep while we're watching tv
  • when you get tired when we're playing sims
  • when you have homework and i don't
  • when we fight
  • when you work and i don't
  • when i work and you don't
  • the camr
  • when you have friends and i don't
  • when you and zach have intellectual talks and i look dumb
  • when you won't take me to get my computer so i have to use your crappy one
  • you don't use pillow cases
  • your bodily functions that interrupt our together time
  • that time we made plans and then you broke them by saying yes to work. worst day of my life.
oct 14 2009 ∞
may 1 2010 +