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I will crawl, there's things that are worth giving up I know; but I won't let this get me, I will fight. You live the life you're given with the storms outside. Somedays all I do is watch the sky.

listography NEW NEWS
  • Beanie Babies.
    • Remember when they were going to be worth something someday? But only if you bought those stupid plastic things to save the tag?
    • Yeah, I have like 600 and they are probably worth 600 cents.
    • Also, they still make Beanie Babies. It needs to end.
  • The jean skirt with the leggings.
    • Like 3 months after it ended I hopped on board.
  • Uggs.
    • Well, fake ones. I can't justify spending >100 dollars on a pair of ugly boots.
  • Dr. Martens.
    • I owned like 6 pairs and I'm pretty sure I have severe back trauma now because those things weighed a total of 25 pounds.
  • The headbands that looked like bra straps.
    • Ew.
  • Furby.
    • Once again, I'm always a little behind on the times and when I got my Furby they were starting to make "no-one-is-buying-Furby-so-let's-get-creative-with-it" Furby.
    • And it was "Graduation Furby."
    • I tell you what, I was the coolest.
  • Gameboy.
    • The see through purple one.
  • Toe socks.
    • For a total of like one day. Because I hate things between my toes. With the exception of flip flops.
  • Lip smackers lip balm.
    • Which I had a bad habit of loosing.
    • And I also liked Dr. Pepper flavored.
feb 7 2010 ∞
mar 6 2010 +