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I will crawl, there's things that are worth giving up I know; but I won't let this get me, I will fight. You live the life you're given with the storms outside. Somedays all I do is watch the sky.

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Big, nice apartment on 34th, with Allie

  • Very, very nice. However, small. And Allie had the master bedroom so my room was basically a closet.
  • We had to share one bathroom.
  • Allie liked to throw bangin parties.
  • I have some very bad memories of that place. Some of which I would like to erase from my life forever.
  • Allie liked to wash her clothes one thing at a time. And also run the dishwasher with like 3 glasses and a fork. Which made our electricity bill like $400. Except this time, I'm not even exaggerating.

Beverly Hills

  • Sick.
  • That place was like a run down meth house that they kind of fixed up but not really so they just decided to charge people like $50 a month to rent.
  • And I'm pretty sure no one lived there for like 6 years before I moved in because I have never seen that much dirt, dust, and that many bugs in my whole life.
  • Also, my landlord gave off the creepy "I'm a pedophile and I should be in jail but I'm hiding from the cops in my green van and hiding under the name of my parent's company so that the cops don't find me. And if you call I'll probably not answer because I'm a big creep who is living in those sheds on your back lawn watching you through your window." Yuck.
  • I definitely snuck Lila into this place. Like every single day.
  • This place also has bad, bad memories. Mostly about my mom and then like 3 weeks later when some freak was hanging out around my windows. True story. Worst summer of my life.
  • Also, the lovely people upstairs who were definitely having ragers and had phone conversations about breaking people out of jail, yeah. They played their music way too loud.
  • They also one time found this caulking in their bathroom floor but decided to take it out and so I woke up one day with a wet comforter, a wet bed, and a wet floor. Because Miss Smarty pants crack addict upstairs let her bathtub overflow onto the floor and into the hole and through the ceiling and onto my shit.
    • And I was never refunded.

Avenue E

  • Lamest rental company ever.
  • Worst upstairs neighbors. K, actually tied with the previous.
  • Made the stinkiest dinners on the face of the planet that would seep into my apartment and gas me out.
  • They stole my garage and extra storage unit in the garage because my landlords were just big pussies who couldn't stand up for anyone.
    • So I got to pay for these asshole upstairs neighbs to use my shit.
  • They also had some sort of a therapeutic bed that would make the most awful buzzing noise (at least that is what I came to the conclusion that it was) and I would beat on the ceiling constantly to make them stop.
    • Usually resulting in me hiding in the bathroom while the scary old man pounded on my door to make me stop. Creep.
  • Then I would play my piano really really really loud and obnoxiously, because I know the complete version of Fur Elise by Beethoven, and it gets kinda obnoxious at the end.
  • I also spilled an entire red candle on the floor in my bed room. I also do not know how to remove candle wax, other than ironing it onto a paper bag, which doesn't work very well for a red candle on a white carpet, so that pretty much screwed me over.
  • I also snuck Lila into this house everyday.
  • One time, my friend stole the upstairs neighbs' party table and we played beer pong on it. Best. Idea. Ever. (See drunken moments list.)
jan 13 2010 ∞
jan 14 2010 +