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I will crawl, there's things that are worth giving up I know; but I won't let this get me, I will fight. You live the life you're given with the storms outside. Somedays all I do is watch the sky.

listography NEW NEWS
  • hanging out with my friends.
    • my life is the busiest one on the planet, i feel like.
    • and our schedules mostly do not coincide.
  • going to bed at a reasonable hour.
    • no matter what time i have to wake up, or what my plans are for the following day, i will stay up doing pointless things until i pass the F out.
    • i went to bed before 12 last week for the first time in i don't even know how long.
      • and it was the most amazing sleep ever.
      • do i learn? no.
  • responsibility.
    • with certain things.
    • like homework.
      • teachers should know better than to:
      • not give deadlines because i procrastinate
      • assign homework period. i am crabby pants when i get shitty homework assignments.
  • spending gift cards
    • once i get one, i have a weird attachment to it. and i never want to spend it.
  • keeping something clean
    • like my car.
      • ps. to whoever spilled my bag of chips in my car, fucking clean that shit up. or at least have some balls to tell me. CAM, ZACH, AND RYAN.
    • and my room.
      • goodness gracious, that thing is a me-ehssss.
  • keeping promises to myself.
    • like no more olive garden.
    • or no more wendy's.
    • or run every day.
    • i suck.
  • texting and calling people back.
    • ask erin. i ALWAYS misplace my phone.
    • and if i don't like you i won't text back.
      • erin, i legit lose my phone. i like you.
  • taking out the trash.
    • i cannot remember the last time i went to the dumpster.
    • do i even know where it is?
    • i just wait until someone else does it. and if that means dumping my trash cans into bigger ones INSIDE the house, so be it.
      • no, this does not make me lazy.
  • Painting.
    • Seriously. Apparently I suck.
dec 30 2009 ∞
apr 16 2010 +