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I will crawl, there's things that are worth giving up I know; but I won't let this get me, I will fight. You live the life you're given with the storms outside. Somedays all I do is watch the sky.

listography NEW NEWS
  • The roommate sitch.
  • The fact that they do not clean up after themselves.
    • And the fact that I usually end up doing some of it because I can't handle a dirty house.
  • The fact that they refuse to put their dirty plates in the dishwasher and leave them out on the counter when the dishwasher is absolutely empty.
  • The fact that their bathroom floor is black because they have never cleaned it.
  • The people across the street who park their little car in the exact middle of their parking area so no one can fit in front or behind.
    • So if you want to visit, you have to park 4000 miles away.
  • When one roommate rolls his desk chair across the floor immediately above us.
    • Rude.
  • When roommates go to bed early and get mad when we are loud-ish.
  • When aforementioned roommates have inconsiderately loud parties while we attempt to write 20 page final papers.
    • And when they know about these papers and still refuse to quiet down.
  • When aforementioned roommates do not invite Evan to liquor-free parties at his own house.
    • This makes me want to come home drunk and pee on their floor.
    • We wouldn't come anyway because we like our liquor, but still. Courtesy is key.
  • The dishwasher that has to be wheeled to the sink to be used. And then you can't use the sink for like 2 hours and you can't use anything in the kitchen or the breaker will be blown.
  • The same dishwasher also washes about 1 in 5 dishes.
  • That certain roommates don't believe in heat.
  • When roommates have enough energy to wheel the dishwasher to the sink and start it, and maybe enough energy to wheel it back to the corner, but not enough energy to put the dishes away.
  • Or when they don't even wheel it back. When it stays at the sink for like 2 days and they somehow live around it.
  • When the roommates decide to be messy with their food and do this using our dishes, pots, pans, blender, etc.
  • When the roommates eat each others food because they are too lazy to make the 5 block trek to the store.
  • When the roommate with the privileges to the driveway parks like 1/2 way in, and then a girl parks behind him and pretty much takes up 4 spaces. Which is actually possible. And then I have to park 5000 miles away.
  • When I draw really cute things on the white board in the basement and they erase them.
  • When they complain about how expensive their bills are.
    • First of all, for a house, no. Plus you're splitting it between the 4 of you. It's like 20 some dollars a person. Which is what it would be for an apartment. So calm your shit.
    • Second, maybe the electrical wouldn't be so expensive if you turned off the TV and the lights once and a while. Just a thought.
    • You also think it is expensive because you are never here. So you're paying rent and bills for a place where you're never home. So if you're not going to live here 6 out of 7 days, the rest of the roommates have more of a say. And your privileges have been revoked.
  • The one jack ass roommate that I hate. Pretty much want Evan to change the locks on him. And through his stuff in the street. Problem: solved.
  • That one of the roommates made some sort of a meat thing on the stove, except some how got raw meat all over the sink. And instead of cleaning it up, they just left it. So the entire sink area smells like bloody, raw meat and it makes me want to anthrax the shit out of their rooms.
  • "I was on the phone until I got hung-up on." Ok well, shut the fuck up, asshole. I'm drunk.
jan 10 2010 ∞
feb 10 2010 +