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I will crawl, there's things that are worth giving up I know; but I won't let this get me, I will fight. You live the life you're given with the storms outside. Somedays all I do is watch the sky.

listography TERMS
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  • The nicknames I give for him. Currently, I call him Nicole. Mostly because I always wanted a sister.
    • He also answers to it. And calls me Larry. hahah ew
  • How hard of a worker he is. Especially toward football.
  • One time, when I was doing some sit ups, he told me he would "kill my abs." Henceforth, he's my trainer. It's because I do workouts while he drinks pop and plays COD:MW. Also, he's ripped out of his mind.
  • When I lived on my own, he'd randomly show up to my house and party with me and be friends with my friends.
  • He will take me to work when I don't want to drive.
  • How God accidentally put him in this time period. He's suppose to be in the Wild West. With John Wayne and Jesse James. And I am suppose to have a sister. They probs switched places and she probs hated her life.
  • That he has 90 million guns. Which I actually don't love, but his passion towards them I do.
  • How he imitates my dad.
  • That our greeting to each other is "sup, nig?" since the dawn of time.
  • That it is practically required that I drunk dial him every time I am drunk. I usually end up leaving a message but he loves.
  • That he works with me. And that everyone comments on how much we love each other. Because we really don't. Ha ha jk.
  • That he loves Evan. And they get along so well.
  • Just how cute he is. I mean, this kid is a doll.
  • That he wants to join the Marines. Except if he goes to Iraq or Afghanistan, I won't know what to do with myself.
  • He wrote me the best note for my birthday. I seriously was peeing my pants laughing so hard and crying (at the same time) because it made me so happy.
    • He addressed the birthday note "Happy Fucking Birthday Niglet." Best, ever. <3
  • He tried to buy me dessert for my birthday because he loves me.
  • When I get to work, he comes to hang out with me in my office for like 20 minutes and ignores everyone else because he loves talking to me.
  • The words we say because of us as kids:
    • Deoder: Deoderant
    • Hoppies: Rabbits
    • Motmal: Oatmeal
mar 31 2010 ∞
may 14 2010 +