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I will crawl, there's things that are worth giving up I know; but I won't let this get me, I will fight. You live the life you're given with the storms outside. Somedays all I do is watch the sky.

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  • My dad is freaking crazy. He is the mailman of bike riders. He will ride his bike to work, rain, snow, sleet, or shine. My dad would probably ride his bike to the moon if God would let him.
  • My house is approx. 10ish miles to his work. That's 20 freakin miles there and back. Oh, and he leaves for work at like 3 am. So, I tend to run into him when I'm arriving home from the bars. Love.
  • One time, I did this thing called "search" during my junior year of high school. It was basically like Catholic jail, where they lock you up and steal your crap and do church. It's actually fun. Anyway. When you sign up they send out a letter to family and friends asking them for letters to give to you and the letter my dad wrote I couldn't even read because I was crying so hard. It's actually a song about this dad checking on his daughter one night and realizing his princess has turned into a queen. Wow, sap. <3
  • My dad loves my cat more than me. She has 400 nick names and he would take her to work on his shoulders if she would sit still for 3 seconds.
  • Almost every single day my dad says to me, "Lila slept with me last night." Lila is my cat. Apparently for Lila's 3 years, sleeping in their room every night is a big accomplishment for her.
  • When I almost died coming home from Bozeman that one time, my dad drove 2 and a half hours, in a freaking blizzard, to come get me. And when the dickwad tow truck man told my dad I couldn't get my crap out of my car until the insurance company contacted him, my dad just about broke his face.
  • Facial hair. My dad works that beard and mustache like it is 1971. Don't you worry. We still got 30 years of that mop growin on his face.
  • Just like the rest of the world, our song is "Butterfly Kisses." Except it really is our song. I used to play it on the piano and we would sing it together when I was little. And, he bought me the book. And, I made him a frame that says, "A hug in the morning, and butterfly kisses at night." And put theeee cutest picture of us in it. Which just so happens to be my thumbnail for this listy.
  • My dad still calls me Rissy. Or Rissy Rae. Fave nick names.
  • He got me an orchid for my birthday. Let me tell you. If you want to win my soul, buy me an orchid =]
  • The fact that I can come to my dad with any problem in the world and he will fix it all better.
  • One time, my dad was walking around my parent's back yard with these things called "dowsing rods." Apparently you lightly hold them and walk around and they "detect water" by moving and criss crossing as you walk. It was kind of cool, but my dad walked around my parents back yard for a good hour trying to find the water. Silly goose.
  • This other time, I was moving from a tiled bedroom to a carpeted bedroom. The ends of my dresser that were touching the floor were covered in spider webs and dog hair and gross dead bugs. I was going to help him carry it but no way in hell in that condition, so without thinking anything of it, he took his hand and just wiped all the gross of. <3 That's love.
  • My dad likes to say, "Turn that shit off," about my music every time he gets in my car. My music is not shit. But it's still funny.
  • When Evan and I rented this house there was a lawnmower out back. Someone left it outside through the entire winter so it was no longer working. My dad took it home to try and fix it, going to the junk yard and recycling place to find new parts for it. But every week he's bring his own brand new, $5000 lawn mower over to mow our lawn. And he does it for me. While I watch and play water girl.
  • The two times I saw my dad cry. 1. At my grandpa's memorial he said, "Goodbye, Chief" and bawled. 2. At the hospital when the doctor came to tell us how bad my mom was. It's probably weird that I'm putting these two things in my favorite things about my dad list, but it's not. I love my dad. He's the best.
  • That his e-mail is "jzeusp." And when I asked him why, he said, "because I'm the bossgod." K, dad.
mar 31 2010 ∞
apr 2 2011 +