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I will crawl, there's things that are worth giving up I know; but I won't let this get me, I will fight. You live the life you're given with the storms outside. Somedays all I do is watch the sky.

listography NEW NEWS

Not that I'm quitting anytime soon, but someday. ....Soon......I hope...

  • Morning shifts and evening shifts. Working in general. I can't decide if I want to wake up early and be done early, or sleep in and be done late. They both sound stupid to me. I'd rather get paid to sleep.
  • The people. I have never met such inconsiderate, rude, lazy, idiotic people in my lifetime. I swear. That place zaps your braincells the second you step inside.
  • The cafe. Instant headache when you're assigned to that section. That headache is still attacking my brain from like 6 hours ago when my shift ended.
  • The food. Who needs to be tempted by food that has approx seven thousand, nine hundred, forty six, and a half, calories per bite?
  • Server dreams. Those are the very worst kind. The kind where you are totally sucking at your job and you have like 300 tables and you somehow forgot about all of them. Thanks, but no.
  • The uniform. Having clothes in my closet that I can wear to more than one place will probably make me much happier. Also, clothes that don't reek of garlic and grease will also be a plus.
  • The shoes. Not only are all slip resistant shoes ugly, they are not comfortable. Don't tell me that shoe was rated 4 out of 5 for comfort. Because that pretty much means to me that the comfort of a "5" is equivalent of 5 pieces of one ply toilet paper stacked on top of each other. Not worth it. Also, my dog can chew through that in .999 seconds.
  • The stress. Not only am I absolutely positive the stress makes me break out, I'm pretty sure I've had several minor heart attacks because of it and I have shortened my life-span by approx 15 1/2 years.
  • Perma-bruises. The drink station has some retarded counter space over hang thing that obstructs our glasses and so just about every time I reach for a glass I nail my hand on the over hang and the bone in my hand is thisclose to shattering.
  • The money. Never again will I work to be someone's slave-bitch so they can leave me $1. Thanks, anyway.
feb 13 2010 ∞
mar 6 2010 +