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I will crawl, there's things that are worth giving up I know; but I won't let this get me, I will fight. You live the life you're given with the storms outside. Somedays all I do is watch the sky.

listography NEW NEWS
  • When I'm having a conversation with person A, and person B comes along and says something like "what?" or "who?" Mind your own business how about?
  • When people boss me around, to do things that they are completely capable of doing. Rude.
  • When non-trads believe that they should return to school and be annoying.
  • Raising your hand in a college class.
  • Being a dirty, disgusting, rude human.
  • Parking on the wrong side of the street. Like when the car is facing the wrong way. It just proves how lazy, inconsiderate, and dumb you are. It also makes me want to punch out your windshield.
  • When couples put pictures of themselves kissing each other as their profile pictures. Especially when they are not in high school.
  • When people try to be creative with their children's names by spelling them all retarded. Maddison is not Maddisynne or something stupid like that. Be creative by giving them unique names, not spelling them with every letter of the alphabet.
  • Constantly cough. Like the girl in my Mon/Wed class does every 3 seconds. Get. A. Drink. Of. Water. Please. Thanks.
jan 9 2010 ∞
mar 10 2010 +