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I will crawl, there's things that are worth giving up I know; but I won't let this get me, I will fight. You live the life you're given with the storms outside. Somedays all I do is watch the sky.

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  • don't ever look. it will ruin your life.
  • do NOT forget your calculator on the day of the ACT's.
  • you don't need to take her back to crispy creme. and that guy doesn't have insurance.
  • if it is snowing that bad, where you can't see 15 feet in front of your face, then don't drive. you don't have anything to do until monday. stay one more night and just text him.
  • tell the guy that's going to stare at your mom while she's in the ER to fuck off.
  • take your phone to bed with you every night, with the ringer on as loud as it will go.
  • always double check your alarm.
  • don't break up with him because you think you want change. take a few days to yourself with your friends and give it some thought.
  • the world isn't going to end if you talk about your feelings, so say what's on your heart once and a while.
  • your grandparents are more important than that math grade. so, no matter how hard she tries, don't let your mom talk you into coming home.
  • go to the philippines with her. you will have a nervous break down if you don't.
  • if you sneak out, come home early. especially the night you're with evan and phil and watching anchorman.
  • also on that night, don't forget to erase your text messages.
  • he's going to break up with you the night you get mad at him for playing video games in walmart. and you're going to be in love with him for a long time. there will be other guys and you will be ok.
  • instead of laughing, and thinking that it's kinda cute, tell those girls to put your cat down.
  • if your best friend shoves you in front of 100 people and tells you she hates you in front of 5, do not be friends with her.
  • if your best friend does not let you be friends with guys, or have boy friends, or if you have to go behind her back to live your life, do not be friends with her.
  • draw it first.
  • when your dad tells you not to move your car, do it anyway.
  • don't park in wells fargo, park where you can see your car.
  • go to class. and go to bed early so you can wake up early.
  • do not create your final for 2-d design in class. only cut out your magazine pieces. otherwise that stare-face bitch will copy it. she's going to present hers before you, so make sure you get over your public speaking fear, and go first.
nov 30 2009 ∞
jan 14 2010 +