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I will crawl, there's things that are worth giving up I know; but I won't let this get me, I will fight. You live the life you're given with the storms outside. Somedays all I do is watch the sky.

listography NEW NEWS

special ed teacher

  • eagle mount had the biggest impact on my life.
  • add that to my trips to brazil, the philippines, mexico, and ethiopia and i was born to help others.
  • i love handicapped kids.

interior decorator

  • i love to decorate.
  • i've wanted to do that for like 15 years.
  • i even got accepted into art school for it.
  • it's just not right for my life.


  • dead people are really interesting.
  • but it stinks too much in the lab. (i spent a day there, i would know.)

wedding planner

  • because it only happens once and it needs to be GREAT.
  • i love decorating. and designing.

spanish teacher

  • i love the language.
  • and i loved my ap spanish teacher.

ESL teacher

  • i love english.
  • how cool would it be to live in another country and teach them how to speak english? exactly.

crime scene investigator

  • unfortunately, i am kinda dumb. so it would never work out.
  • but they make it look so cool and easy on TV.
  • i'm also nosy and have a constant need to know what is going on when i see flashing lights.

stay at home mom

  • because i love to sleep.
  • i would work out all the time.
  • i would have a beautiful house.
  • i would make my husband breakfast, lunch, and dinner
  • because day care is overrated and too many bad things happen there.

the founder of some amazing organization like KIVA, or compassion, or WAC, etc

  • because i need to do something amazing with my life.
  • and i need to change the world.

concert pianist

  • i absolutely love the piano.
  • i hate myself for not playing it as much as i should.

figure skater

  • because this is my other love.
  • and if i could do one thing everyday for the rest of my life, this would probably be it.
  • plus it is like the best work out ever.
nov 15 2009 ∞
jan 14 2010 +