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I will crawl, there's things that are worth giving up I know; but I won't let this get me, I will fight. You live the life you're given with the storms outside. Somedays all I do is watch the sky.

listography NEW NEWS

because jamie did it, so do i. i needed to vent.

  • when i'm togoing and servers can't pull their own soups.
  • or when they pull their own soups and then look at me like i am just standing around doing nothing and they have a million and one things to do.
  • when a server makes a dessert togo and does not throw away their garbage or put their plate in DMO.
  • when someone makes a mess and does not clean it up.
  • when i come to work and everything is a mess and the person i'm coming in for does nothing before they leave.
  • when servers need to check out and they tell me they're ready but they're not.
  • when servers need to check out but they come one at a time for like 15 minutes. so i can't really go away and do something else because they second i start something, someone else will be ready. but they can't all be ready at once.
  • when i am super busy and no one will help me.
  • when i am super busy and people ask what i need but then they don't actually have time to do it because it's something they would rather not do. then don't offer, hello.
  • when people call and ask:
    • what is on your menu?
    • what soups do you have today?
    • do you take reservations?
      • no? ok, well, we'll be there in 20 minutes if you could just put our name on the list we'd appreciate it.
    • from 11:00-2:00, 5:00-7:00: to talk to someone.
  • when servers stand in the side station and talk when there are like 15 trays of food to be run.
  • when servers do not do any side station side work. and everything is empty.
  • when servers go on smoke breaks.
  • when you ask for soup noodles and dumplings and it takes 25 minutes to get them.
  • when servers can't ask the cooks for something, they make you do it.
  • when tables ask what the soups are, so i say, "we have a vegetable, chili, potato and sausage, and chicken and dumpling." and they respond with, "don't you have the minestrone anymore?" okay, then why did you ask?
  • when tables ask about soups period. READ THE MENU.
  • when you see that someone at your table needs something, like say a drink refill. and you say, "i'll be right back with another diet coke for you, sir, does anyone else need anything?" and the diet coke man goes, "yeah. another diet coke." okay, i know i am just your measly servant, but please listen to me for the 15 seconds i'll be at your table.
  • when you have a table of >1 and you have to repeat the soups at least 3 times for each person. LIIIISTEN.
  • when parents make their kids order. and the kids take 1244 years.
  • when people interrupt you when you're at another table. don't interrput.
  • when people snap at you. NEVER EVER SNAP.
  • when people do not respond. if i say "thanks, have a good night," you respond with, "thanks, you too." or something similar. don't stare at me like you just died.
  • campers. listen up, this is not your house. you eat, then you leave. how hard is it to understand that while you were sitting there i could have had another table?
    • but, if you must camp, leave a nice tip. especially if you sit there for hours.
  • don't fight with the rest of your party.
    • that is so awkward for us, and also everyone around you.
  • do not just expect to get free food. this is a business. "don't we just get salad?" if you just "got salad" we'd probably just bring it out when you sat down, ya think?
  • tip your togo specialist.
    • especially, i mean especially, if you came in to place the order and had a complimentary drink. then jeez, it's the least you could do.
    • do you not think that we get everything ready for you? salad and/our soup, breadsticks, plus we listened to your dumb ass self on the phone.
  • servers who come to check out and pile everything together and watch me, day after day, re-arrange things and separate them into the correct order.
    • this isn't your first rodeo, cowboy, let's get it together.
  • servers who stand against the wine rack on the west side and watch. i can give you about 30414 things to do.
  • When cooks and other back of the house people come to my computer at like 5 when I am slammed with togos and print their time card. Ok, there are 600 other computers, or 4, so please go use those.
    • Also when they come to clock out on my computer and I jump in front of them and they say something snotty. You're going to be here for like 5 minutes attempting to type in your 3 numbers, so you might as well just go find a diff compri.
nov 15 2009 ∞
mar 6 2010 +