- made great friendships
- mamamos 20 homens
- e minhas amizades antigas continuaram fortissimas!
- was happy happpy and healthy for a while
- wrote more! much more!
- started projects and finished them
- consegui um estágio!
- viajei de avião sozinha e pela primeira vez!
- fui pra recife
- tive coragem para publicar as coisas que escrevo
- li mais livros
- me vacinei contra o covid!!!!!!!!!!!!! as duas doses!
- i think i was a better person this year
- felt comfortable around my family fiquei bebada com eles
- minha relação com gabriel ta melhor
- i was very very very loved i hope i've given back the same amount of love
- finished watching the office
- watched all ghibli's movies
- my kpop boys!!
- started new hobbies
- survived, of course.
dec 31 2021 ∞
dec 31 2021 +