- 01.02┊varias reuniões!; and lots of things to do; the office; JUNGKOOK SHOWED UP!AND SANG KICK BACK!!! love you love you love you; stressed doing an assignment all by myself; played cards with lorenzo
- 02.02┊ woke up SUPER LATE and had to make up a lie at work; angry because of that; confraternização m20h!!! love them!; csm with abt; finished watching mob100
- 04.02┊coming to vitoria (finally); a long ass trip; tired; reencontrando meus amigos!; wearing new shoes; going to the mall with my family (hate it) and spending 45 reais in a risotto
- 05.02┊ meus pais foram embora; watching the office; it's so hot; spending the entire day deciding on a table to buy; a long call with camila enquanto arrumo o quarto; date with ana laura e bruna
- 06.02┊a mulher no estágio falando sobre renovar meu contrato; vi klara nina!; living an adventure making hamburgers with hide; another abt date we finished watching csm
- 07.02┊altamar se demitindo; fui fazer a sobrancelha e peguei o onibus errado fui parar no meio do nada; strangers being kind with me; jjk
- 08.02┊a long meeting just to talk about Monday; the office; so sleepy; waiting with debora til midnight for her birthday
- 09.02┊aniversario da debora!!!!!!; cafe da manha com natalia; furei os peito; SUSHIIIIII a great day to be an armycarat; jantar Bom num restaurante e depois cerveja num bar na rua
- 10.02┊fui elogiada no estagio; observatório; a caixa d'agua da ufes; pub; really Tiredddd; met new people dont know if i liked them
- 11.02┊ triste ansiosa sozinha; wfkbj; A RATAZANA ENORME; call with bruna; irritada com painho
- 12.02┊ sem 1 real na conta; wfkbj; a date to watch gose with camilla shes so sweeet; in a hannigram frenesi; unfortunately having thoughts; dracula
- 13.02┊ finally watched the indigo live in seoul; watching bss stages during office hours; vendi a mesa; frustrada!; pizzaaa
- 14.02┊ meu peito doendo; so hot; going to the mall with natalia; puss in boots; madrugando na upa com a debora
- 15.02┊i can't take this weather anymore; o negocio dando errado no estagio; fui lavar roupa com a debora; watching the bear; read a tiny bit
- 16.02┊ stressed; and sad; immortilized; the coffee muito Ruim mas de graça; thinking about the house
- 17.02┊wfkbj; esfiha gratis! (tava ruim); went to the mall by myself; Independente!
- 18.02┊ hating manel; waiting and waiting and Waiting for elisa; primeiro dia de carnaval; amandaaaa; cansada xoxa capenga
- 19.02┊ a bad breakfast at the bakery; segundo dia de carnaval!!!; laurena my beloved; perdi o chinelo andando descalço; os gays do ponto de onibus; mulher samambaia
- 20.02┊woke up super early; and with a hell of a hungover; o cara da padaria Legal; started watching is always sunny; my abo journey
- 21.02┊its always sunny; coming home; vindo no carro com estranhos; JIMIN JIMIN JIMINNN; hippo campus' new song
- 22.02┊bsd; love love love being silly; feeling anxious; its always sunny; lorenzo missed me
- 23.02┊churrasco; i hate hate hate working; dr com marcela; succession cancelada i will kill myself
- 24.02┊tomei coragem pra pedir férias no estágio; sleepover at natalia's house; your place or mine; sweet home; watching mvs
- 25.02┊finished watching sweet home; Cooking for her; being lazy all day; as branquelas
- 26.02┊HOSEOK NOOO; voltei pra casa; cafe da tarde with Terrible topics; busted; yumis; a bolinha do piercing saindo coisa terrivel
- 27.02┊matricula pro novo semestre da UFES estou quase me formando!; assinei doc das férias; COMPREI PASSSGEM PRA RECIFEE!!! CARNAVAL EM OLINDA IREI VER A BRUNA; i'll hold the world with bare hands even if it burns; feeling a lot of things
- 28.02┊jungkook live i love him so much; pinocchio; ookami with camilla; playing video games with lorenzo
feb 13 2023 ∞
mar 7 2023 +