• Cut the cord and let go of things that keep you stuck in the past. (i.e. mementos from past relationships, clothes that don't fit, pictures and letters from people who didn't support you, items you keep "just in case.")
  • Try easy things first. Recycle junk mail, magazines/newpapers, expired foods, broken items, old schedules, coupons etc.
  • Start small and build momentum. The dining table, the mantel, a kitchen drawer is a good place to begin. Trick yourself into doing a small area and once you finish it, you’ll have more energy to tackle the larger ones.
  • Complete one area at a time. Do not go back and forth between different areas. You end up scattering your energy and won’t see results anywhere.
  • Clean up after each session. Take the garbage to the dump. Place donation bags, dry-cleaning and objects to be repaired in your trunk to drop off. Tidy the area where you worked so you can see your progress.
  • Do a simple space cleansing afterwards to allow fresh energy to infuse your surroundings.
  • Create a sacred space for meditation, contemplation and to connect with your highest self. Once your mind and space are free of clutter, you'll be able to focus on your dreams and goals.
may 24 2013 ∞
may 24 2013 +