j a n u a r y
- pride and prejudice ⊹ jane austen ♡
- beautiful world, where are you ⊹ sally rooney
- the gilded wolves ⊹ roshani chokshi
- a study in scarlet ⊹ arthur conan doyle ♡
- dear enemy ⊹ kristen callihan
- kingdom of the cursed ⊹ kerri maniscalco
- the final empire ⊹ brandon sanderson ♡
- the retribution of mara dyer ⊹ michelle hodkin
- made in manhattan ⊹ lauren layne
- circling back to you ⊹ julie tieu
- the turn of the screw ⊹ henry james
- the reaper ⊹ runyx
- the emperor ⊹ runyx
- spy x family 3 ⊹ tatsuya endo
- songs of the wicked ⊹ c.a. farran ♡
f e b r u a r y
- uzumaki ⊹ junji ito ♡
- spy x family 4 ⊹ tatsuya endo ♡
- spy x family 5 ⊹ tatsuya endo ♡
- spy x family 6 ⊹ tatsuya endo ♡
- spy x family 7 ⊹ tatsuya endo ♡
- spy x family 9 ⊹ tatsuya endo ♡
- kim jiyoung, born 1982 ⊹ cho namjoo
- long way down ⊹ kbr
- deathless ⊹ catherynne m. valente
- some kind of perfect ⊹ kbr ♡
- schoolgirl ⊹ osamu dazai ♡
- água viva ⊹ clarice lispector ♡
- emma ⊹ jane austen ♡
- ghosted ⊹ j.m. darhower
m a r c h
- the bride test ⊹ helen hoang
- the new me ⊹ halle butler
- cruel ⊹ trisha wolfe
- sense and sensibility ⊹ jane austen
a p r i l
- spy x family 9 ⊹ tatsuya endo ♡
- frankenstein: the 1818 text ⊹ mary shelley
- love on the brain ⊹ ali hazelwood ♡
m a y
- no longer human ⊹ osamu dazai
- untold night and day ⊹ bae suah ♡
- book lovers ⊹ emily henry ♡
- the secret history ⊹ donna tartt ♡
- every summer after ⊹ carley fortune
j u n e
- the way of kings ⊹ brandon sanderson ♡
- words of radiance ⊹ brandon sanderson ♡
j u l y
- oathbringer ⊹ brandon sanderson ♡
- fake empire ⊹ c.w fansworth
- fireborne ⊹ rosaria munda ♡
- the wrong mr. right ⊹ stephanie archer
- flamefull ⊹ rosaria munda ♡
a u g u s t
- rhythm of war ⊹ brandon sanderson ♡
- twisted love ⊹ ana huang
- lotus ⊹ jennifer hartmann ♡
- icebreaker ⊹ hannah grace ♡
- the final gambit ⊹ jennifer lynn barnes ♡
s e p t e m b e r
- lovelight farms ⊹ b.k. borison ♡
- pew ⊹ catherine lacey ♡
- famous last words ⊹ c.w fansworth
- the american roommate experiment ⊹ elena armas
- a deal with the devil ⊹ elizabeth o'roark
o c t o b e r
- open water ⊹ caleb azumah nelson ♡
- reign & ruin ⊹ j.d. evans ♡
- storm & shield ⊹ j.d. evans
- the co-op ⊹ tarah dewitt
- the phantom of the opera ⊹ gaston leroux
n o v e m b e r
- the vanished birds ⊹ simon jimenez ♡
- spy x family 10 ⊹ tatsuya endo ♡
- play with me ⊹ becka mack
- a amiga genial ⊹ elena ferrante ♡
- blind side ⊹ kandi steiner
- north & south ⊹ elizabeth gaskell ♡
- midnight kisses ⊹ jeanine bennedict
d e c e m b e r
- the devil you know ⊹ elizabeth o'roarke
- in the weeds ⊹ b.k. borison
- mixed signals ⊹ b.k. botison ♡
- scandal in spring ⊹ lisa kleypas
- daughter of no words ⊹ carissa broadbent
- siren & scion ⊹ j.d. evans
- the lies we steal ⊹ monty jay
- the truths we burn ⊹ monty jay
- the blood we crave ⊹ monty jay ♡
- emily wilde's encyclopaedia of faeries ♡
- burn for me ⊹ ilona andrews ♡
- white hot ⊹ ilona andrews ♡
- wildfire ⊹ ilona andrews ♡
- diamond fire ⊹ ilona andrews
dec 30 2021 ∞
jan 1 2023 +