• figure out how to read a card's meaning on your own
    • grasp basic idea of card (not memorize)
  • look closely at the card, context of question, meaning or message will come to you
    • e.g., instead of just memorizing that judgement is about new beginnings, and then trying to apply “new beginning” to your situation, forget that and look at the card. hmm, you might think, the people are rising from their graves, maybe this card in this particular spread is really moreso about airing out something that’s been buried or forgotten and revitalizing it. And maybe that clicks for some element of your question, and it makes sense.
  • using reversals gives more clarification on what is being interpreted
  • can be specific with question and spread if possible
  • look for a “message” or purpose from your reads.each card plays a part in an overall "thesis"
  • the tarot takes both sides of your brain to read correctly. it takes logical thought and sense, but also intuition and the ability to see the forest instead of the trees.
  • if there's a card you have limited info on, go with your gut and intuition, trust that you will say what is right
  • can have a signification card, a. mini personal reading of your own for the state of mind of the asker, to give a starting point
dec 22 2024 ∞
dec 22 2024 +