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because i'm a forgetful cat who needs a second brain and is slightly an organizing junkie.
♡ i like, ♥ mah favorite, ☂ locked, ☁ longer than 5 chapters

listography NEW NEWS
  • Anterograde Tomorrow| angst | drama | romance | au | r
    • Kyungsoo is stuck in the hours while Jongin begs the seconds, because time stops for someone who can't remember and runs from someone who can't miss the last train home.
  • Arbitrage| angst | drama | streetrace!au | nc-17
    • There are three tracks to Do Kyungsoo's life. Track A, trader at an investment bank. Track B, new recruit of a race crew called EXO. Track C... track C involves someone named Kai and a whole lot of bad decisions.
  • Baby, it's cold outside| fluff | slight humor | au | pg-13
    • Christmas dinners can sometimes bring the unlikeliest of people together
  • Insert an Epigram for Awkwardness Here| mythology!au | humor | fantasy | romance | fluff | slight drama | pg-13
jan 31 2014 ∞
may 14 2014 +
  • 7 Long Nights ♡ ☁ | fluff | drama | nc-17
    • Himchan is home alone. He can't get over his fear of the dark. How will Yongguk be able to help him.
  • A _ Family| fluff | au | pg
    • Living a wonderful and happy family life. Kim---oops! Bang Himchan can’t be any happier than this. Happy…Yes, it’s a happy family…Yes, happy family…or actually more like a family full of nonsense and craziness. So, just a typical family life.
  • Again, Director Bang? | fluff | pg-13
    • Himchan is just plain irritated how Yongguk is paying more attention to composing rather than on other things that are much more important.
  • Baby Banghim | fluff | pg
dec 21 2013 ∞
apr 20 2016 +
  • Honey | cat!au | fluff | romance | pg-13
    • Jinyoung's cat is just a little too pretty and Jaebum doesn't know how he always gets into these situations.
  • Mornings | fluff | romance | pg-13
    • Mornings were the hardest part of the days.
  • What Happens When Someone Comes Up with ... | slight drama | romance | fluff | g
    • Choi Youngjae comes up with a stupid idea. In which he could get hurt. Shocker. JB gets jealous, and Youngjae is too dense to realize it...and what happens next?
mar 14 2014 ∞
apr 26 2014 +
  • B Typed Boyfriend | fluff | romance | slight drama | pg
    • Sandeul's boyfriend is B-typed. And sometimes, it's hard to handle a B-typed boy.
  • Beautiful | angst | pg-13
    • Sandeul knows he's not perfect. He just never thought he was ugly. That all changed the night Baro told him otherwise.
  • Chaste| fluff | romance | slight drama | au | pg
    • Being in a relationship with the college bad boy wasn't quite what Junghwan expected.
  • Hesitating Lips | romance | fluff | au | pg-13
    • Sandeul is on vacation with his friends. He feels like the 3rd wheel around the Jinchan couple. He begins to wish he could have a movie like experience on the beach...
apr 17 2014 ∞
apr 26 2014 +
jul 22 2021 ∞
jul 22 2021 +
  • An Unexpected Occurence | pwp/lemon | smut | au | nc-17
    • Tao tries his best to take care of his newly purchased puppy named Kris! But what happens when Tao comes home to see an extremely sexy naked man claiming to be his dog?
  • Baby, Goodnight | smut | au | nc-17
    • TaoRis have phone sex.
  • Basketball Dates| fluff | romance | au | g
    • Caught by the other's sheer beauty, Wu Kris, captain of the school's basketball team, couldn't help but feel a sudden inexplicable attraction towards the new found stranger at the same basketball court he always goes for practice. Would he be able to capture the heart of the lad?
  • Coffee and Vanilla Foam | slight angst | romance | r
jan 8 2014 ∞
may 14 2014 +
  • Alone | romance | supernatural | au | r
    • Youngjae has lived for a very long time, and has had to leave everyone he's ever cared about behind. Immortality is not something Youngjae ever wanted, but he can't escape it. He's alone in the world and he's convinced himself he'll always be alone. That is until a tattooed boy named Daehyun finds him on a bridge.
  • Apartment 404| humor | romance | fluff | slight!drama | au | nc-17 |
    • Living in a small apartment doesn't exactly give Youngjae the peace and quiet he needs. And when his newest, noisiest neighbor moves in, things begin to get a tad bit...out of hand.
  • Beautiful Soul | fluff | g
    • Wherein Youngjae's new muscles attract mo...
feb 25 2014 ∞
jun 27 2014 +


  • Blizzard | fluff | comedy | au | pg-13
    • BAP couples' story on the Winter weather.
  • Crazy Coffee Date | humor | au | pg
    • “Well, if you didn’t stare at him like he’s a one-horned, bulging eye alien then he wouldn’t notice.”
  • Sailor Mato ♡ ☁ | crack | fantasy | action | drama | romance | pg
    • B.A.P as the Sailor Moon characters!


feb 1 2014 ∞
apr 26 2014 +
  • A former "most love only lasts for a whi...| fluff | romance | au | pg-13
    • in which Chanyeol smiles too much, Baekhyun is a little bit of a cynic but they fall together anyway.
  • Accidentally | drama | pg-13
    • It isn’t the sound of his alarm clock that wakes Baekhyun up, but the sound of his roommate’s pained moans in the early morning.
  • Ba-dum, Ba-dum| comedy | drama | romance | pg-13
    • Baekhyun's life has changed to the worst after getting his heart transplant surgery, because the annoying Park Chanyeol still sees his late girlfriend in Baekhyun's new heart.
  • Baby Tao | humor | pg
    • Baekhyun’s the nagging mother, and Chan...
jan 5 2014 ∞
feb 8 2018 +
  • How Did This Get So Amped Up | band!au | friendship | romance | pg
    • Jaebum doesn't know when he started loving Jinyoung more than what was necessary.
may 26 2020 ∞
may 26 2020 +
  • Dark Circles | fluff | humor | pg-13
    • Yugyeom can't sleep and Bambam can be mature when he wants to be.
  • Please Just Hold My Hand | fluff | pg
    • Kunpimook is almost taken by surprise when Yugyeom decides to hold his hand, his heart can't help but beat twice as fast in his chest, while a smile slowly begins to grace his face.
  • Staying Cool | school!au | romance | r
    • Yugyeom is always late and Bambam is impatient.
  • Strawberry Milk | fluff | school!au | romance | pg-13
    • Bambam accidentally dumps his strawberry milk all over the big new kid at school.
feb 21 2014 ∞
apr 26 2014 +