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It's been 21 years since I first got taken off of my home planet. ;D
Hi, I'm Alexandra, but most people call me ...other things.
I was gonna tell you about myself here, but that's kinda what this whole page is about.

i generally type properly.
when i make lists i don't wanna. my lists will vary in capitalization sometimes.

i'm happier than i used to be, but still looking for enlightenme...

Rubab films (All-Time Favorite Movies, etc)
s 2025 (favorite songs february)
television (2025)
films (watchlist)
to do (winter clean up 2025)
  • guinea pigs - my worst. bronchoconstriction. dyspnea. wheezing. hives. coughing. itchy everything.
  • peanuts - hard to breathe, sometimes canker sores.
  • nuts (peanuts are legumes, technically) - canker sores, sometimes wheezing.
  • tomatoes - canker sores.

there are lots more that for some reason i can't remember right now.

feb 2 2012 ∞
feb 28 2012 +