starting on the 16th of december 2012, ending on the 13th of september 2015 (the day i turn 23½) - this would be easier if i had money! ongoing... any ideas?
- answer all/most online communication with song lyrics for one day
- answer the "50 questions that will free your mind"
- ask 20 people to suggest one book, and read them all
- attach notes to a few balloons and let them go (environmentally unfriendly, but...)
- become 'intermediate' (at least) in spanish
- build an awesome fort and hang out in it for a couple days
- buy (adult sized now) heelys (i've wanted them since i was 8!!)
- buy a CAR
- buy a camera (i got one for my 21st birthday, same thing)
- buy a world map and put a pin in every place i want to go
- completely color in a coloring book
- crochet a backpack
- do 5+ non-crochet diy projects (1/5)
- do stuff from "how to get kicked out of a department store" (and don't get caught!)
- do the 100 stranger project (0/100)
- do the dog walking for a week straight 5+ times (0/5)
- do yoga twice a week for 1+ month
- draw 3+ portraits as well as possible
- fill a jar with good things that happen each year (0/3)
- fill a notebook with things about me and important events in my life
- finish and pass 2+ college classes (0/2)
- finish my keri smith books/journals
- get 2+ more tattoos (0/2)
- get a 'cremation necklace' with a small amount of Nona's ashes
- get face re-pierced 2x
- get id card&permit (FINALLY)
- go driving for the first time
- get license
- get my cartilage re-pierced
- get the time capsule at my old elementary school unburied (might not be possible)
- get to 100,000 grains on freerice
- get to my goal weight
- get trained to be an IMAlive volunteer
- give blood/plasma 3+ times (0/3)
- go back to columbia, ca with my mom
- go camping again
- go thrifting for things that i really don't need but really like 3+ times (0/3)
- go to a drive in movie theatre
- go to a museum again
- go to another different state (probably oregon)
- go to disneyland again
- go to the winchester mystery house
- go vegetarian again
- identify 100 things that make me happy
- learn how to drive on el camino
- learn lyrics to all of josh groban's songs (even the non-english ones)
- bake/cook 10+ different new things (0/10)
- learn to drive
- learn to juggle
- learn to play the ukulele
- leave 101+ operation beautiful notes around (0/101)
- leave 5+ inspirational notes inside books for someone to find (a couple with money) (0/5)
- make 50+ videos on youtube (0/50)
- obtain & complete a 1000+ piece puzzle
- pack a picnic and some stuff to do and spend a day at the park
- paint something on a sizable canvas
- participate in project for awesome
- pay for someone's meal/coffee 3+ times (0/3)
- re-read all of the harry potter books (0/7)
- read 200+ books (12/200)
- read 5+ books on buddhism (0/5)
- read/re-read all of edgar allan poe's poems (0/70) and stories (0/66)
- sell something that i crochet on etsy
- send 3+ more secrets into postsecret (0/3)
- shave my head
- sit down for a conversation with mc lars (he says he's in! :)
- sort through my computer until i have a lot more space (a big task!)
- take a first aid/cpr class
- try 3+ 'strange'/exotic new foods
- volunteer somewhere
- walk across the golden gate bridge
- wander the haight and golden gate park for a day
- watch 26 random movies i've never seen starting with each letter of the alphabet
- watch 75+ movies (20/75)
- watch all of old doctor who
- when able, put $10 aside for every goal accomplished
- write a letter to myself to open at the end of my 1001 days i'll probably write more too because that one was pretty lousy, but i did it!
- write a living will/list of last wishes (because you never know what'll happen)
- write a rap xD (seriously though)
- write letters to my future self in 5 year intervals
- write short story, or novel if the ideas come
- write much more fanfiction