- AI "art"
- Beige everything
- Billionaires
- Blood-sucking bugs
- Cold-white Christmas lights
- Crypto
- Dudes seemingly reading from the same freaking script as they attempt to insult women. Like find something new to say
- Drake
- Dry sandwiches
- Family vloggers
- Finding a super cute shirt or blouse and pulling it off the rack only to see it's a f--ing crop top
- Funko Pops
- Greenwashing
- Katy Perry
- Kids in Sephora/being obsessed with anti-ageing skincare. Like dude you are NINE
- News being behind paywalls
- Overconsumerism culture
- People gatekeeping witchcraft
- People not understanding what "woke" actually means
- Pot culture
- Pranks
- Shops showing an item with a low price and when you click on it, it's not actually that price
- Someone standing behind me when I'm on the computer
- TikTok culture
- Youtube thumbnails where the user is making a shocked face/is pointing
dec 28 2024 ∞
dec 29 2024 +