• At the beginning of the summer I volunteered as a helper for the arts program at my church's Vacation Bible School. Throughout the week, I had grown particularly fond of a little girl names Terese due to how cute and funny she is. She is four or five, and every time I talked to her she was super upbeat and happy. Without fail, she would always tell me, "My mom's name is (I hope I'm remembering this correctly...) Morgan and my dad's name is George. But not the monkey, George, the human George. And then there's the stuffed animal George." On the last day, I went up to her and said, "I'm going to miss you." She said she would miss me as well, and after I asked her if she was going to come back next year, she said no. This caused me to break down in tears. She probably will come back next year and just didn't know, but she is so stinkin' cute and I love kids so much that I just couldn't help it! Then she said, "I'll always be with you." Are you kidding me? How can she say something like that and expect me not to break down even more! She's so cute. She probably had no idea what she was actually saying, as she just smiled at me innocently and hugged me. I miss her. — 8/5/23
  • Tidbit from today: 5/23/23
    • I love so much of everything, but I sadly can't list—let alone comprehend—it all.
  • When I was eleven, I went outside one day and heard chirping. Sadly, I saw two dead baby birds in the garden. But certainly, they couldn't have been the source of the chirping, so I continued searching. Eventually I found a lone bird in a nest next to my garage and gave him the name Chirpy. Because his siblings were dead, I assumed Chirpy's parents had abandoned him, and took it upon myself to take care of that bird. Every day I would feed him a mixture of sugar, bread, and water if I remember correctly. Whatever it was, I did my research beforehand. One day I went outside to see that Chirpy could now hop. (Chirpy? More like Hoppy!) He hopped out of his nest and into my garage chirping happily. Or maybe he was scared. Who knows. There was more chirping, which was coming from two fully-aged robins. Chirpy's parents had returned! Maybe they had been there all along, maybe they went on vacation; I have no clue. I decided to back off as to not get attacked. Yay, family reunion! Fast-forward five years and there's a nest on the lights in between my two garage doors. I am convinced that those birds are relatives of Chirpy. Two of the three eggs hatched, and w checked on them occasionally. Their parents were not absent. All this to say, they disappeared. They're gone. I don't think they died because I don't see them anywhere. And there's no way they could have flown away—they were too young! Did their parents pick them up somehow? I guess we'll never know. — 5/9/23
  • My hair has finally grown to a point where I can actually do stuff with it. Not much, but still. I can tie it up in a ponytail, claw clip it, do a half-up/half-down thing... It's fun to be able to change things up! What makes me happiest is that when I put my hair in a ponytail I look like Juno. Juno is one of my favorite movies; it's so cute! Did I mention I look like Juno when I put my hair up? No? Well I look like Juno from Juno when I put my hair up. — 5/1/23
  • I've been so jolly lately it's insane. I haven't had a bad day in weeks! A bad few hours, sure, but something always makes up for it. Let's hope this keeps up for a long forever! Yeah! — 4/21/23
  • Around what I think was Christmastime my family went through old photo albums. At one point back in the 90s my mother, father, and brother all had a mullet. Naturally, I felt left out, so I made a deal with my dad that we would both get mullets. I pinkie promised. Now I am terrified. I'm not sure if I want a mullet anymore. Just recently I grew my hair out to a length I love, and I'm going to screw it up again? Why did I do this to myself? Of course, I'm not going to break the promise, but I sure hope I don't regret it. It's okay, I've still got a while; my dad's hair is really short. Though I've got to admit it's starting to look pretty good already. — 4/21/23
  • Tidbits from today: 4/20/23
    • That’s a lie, most of these are from different days but I am only compiling them today.
    • Last week it was eighty degrees and two days later it’s snowing. Snowing, I tell you! I don’t understand the weather.
    • The Beastie Boys are the Sonic Youth of rap.
    • I need to draw Jenna as a vampire. A Jenpire. And Maddie as a… Mad… die. Oh my God, I need to draw her as a zombie.
    • Sloths probably take the longest showers in the world.
  • Tidbits from today: 4/12/23
    • I was made to frolic in grassy fields, not take standardized tests.
    • Listening to lullabies makes me nostalgic for being a little baby wriggling around in my crib.
  • Ray Bradbury was right about one thing: advertisement is everywhere. It’s so weird to me how advertisements used to only be in newspapers and on television, but now it’s become a regular part of life. You can’t escape it. When you’re driving, there are dozens of huge billboards; when you’re on your phone, you get ads on videos, games, websites… It’s become such a gadfly part of life that we just tune it out. — 4/8/23
  • I am a product of the modern school system: I hate doing projects and I wish the teacher would just lecture, give me a worksheet, and shut up. Why do they have to try and make things fun? I just want to work on my paper in a silent classroom! — 4/3/23
  • I desperately need to Marie Kondo my photo library (“Does this picture bring me joy?”). I have so many pictures and it all feels so messy. Like 20% of my pictures are in my favorites, and that’s so unnecessary. I want to go through my photos but it just takes so much time and I never actually want to do it. Oh well; it is what it is! — 4/3/23
  • Holy crap, Stabbing Westward is so good it's insane. Listening to them really reminded me how much I absolutely love industrial music. Honestly, they could be one of my favorite bands. I need to listen to more of their music before I decide. At the very least, they made one of my favorite songs or albums—they-re too good to not've! — 3/15/23
  • I have recently taken a disliking to showering. I swear I'm not nasty, It's just such an astronomically boring, time-consuming task that I wish I could use a Sims4-style speed-up button to skip the whole ordeal. Just trying to find the right time to shower so I can do what I need to do for the day and make sure I don't get dirty again is insanely annoying. Can someone please invent an InstaShwoer or something? — 3/15/23
  • Five days ago I decided I simply didn't want to use my phone anymore, and since then I have read two and a half books. (Wanna know something that bothers me? When I'm writing and I debate with myself on whether or not to spell out a number. Then, I begin to spiral and wonder if somewhere I went against my morals and broke the consistency by typing the number itself. The thought of this haunts me.) The first book was The Fault in Our Stars . It was a reread from the too-young-to-have-read-this-book age of eight. The only thing I remember from my first read is the mention of a purple bra. So, going into the book I was basically a first-time reader. The book was fantastic, but, holy crap, one scene in particular left me shocked for hours. Scratch that, days; I'm still confused! I am not going to rehash the entire plot, but basically, these two cancer-ridden kids are in the Anne Frank House and decide it's a great idea to start making out in front of everyone, including a video of poor Anne Frank's father. Once they pull away, the main character, Hazel, thinks that everyone is (rightfully) pissed. Guess what happens. Just guess. Got your guess in yet? Okay... Everyone clapped. Literally. Did you guess correctly? Now moving on, after taking a graphic novel intermission (I read the entire book in one sitting), I started Fight Club and holy crap is it amazing. It's seriously so good and I can't stop thinking about it. All I want to do is read Fight Club ; every second my eyes are not grazing those beautifully written pages I feel as if I am being stabbed by a dagger. I'm going to go finish my book now. (P.S.: It's been less than 24 hours since I started it and also Hank Green's face haunts me, no offense.) — 3/1/23
  • Okay, two things. One, I think I figured out why I've been so sucky at reading: I've just been reading sucky books. None of them really capture my interest. Well, some do, but then when I'm done I start a new book and end up being bored to death by it but don't stop because I hate myself or something (cough, Lolita ㅤㅤ). How'd I find out? I forgot the book I was reading for class at home and had to pick something from my teacher's shelf and was blown away by how much I loved it. I really have no clue why I was so shocked given that the book I picked ( The Fault in Our Stars ) is by the same author (John Green) as my favorite book ( Turtles All the Way Down ). Anyways, that book is all I can think about and all I want to do is read it. And then read another book. And another, and another. As long as the books are interesting, I could read forever. Nonstop. Okay on to the second thing, I keep changing my mind on how I feel about running. I hate it because I hate physical activity, but I ran with Jenna yesterday and it was so fun and made me really happy. I think I just need to always run with Jenna. — 2/22/23
  • For context, I've started running so Jenna has someone to run with when Cross Country isn't in season. It's absolutely killing me... I can't even run a mile without walking! It's embarrassing, but anyways, that's beside the point. The point is, a couple days ago on my run I passed an old man. He immediately stopped walking and started singing "Creep" by Radiohead. I have no idea why, but I had to write about it. — 2/17/23
  • At lunch yesterday there was this girl (somewhat jokingly) yelling at some guy, and for fun I decided to join in. I had no clue what she was mad at him for, so I just started saying random stuff. One of the other girls at the table came up to me and said that me yelling at him made her day. And I that that made my day. Also, don't worry, I know the girl who was yelling at him so it wasn't like I was just joining some random girl. Although I probably still would have done it anyway. You had to be there. — 2/3/23
  • Yesterday was my last bowling game. On the bowling team, that is. See, I like bowling, but joining the team kinda ruined it. On the team, I have to bowl three times a week. THREE TIMES A WEEK!!! I can't take it, I can't take it anymore, I seriously can't do it. I didn't even want to do bowling this year but I needed my second gym credit. I don't want to do it next year, but one of my friends is doing it again next year for her gym credit. If I join her next year, I might as well just go all the way and bowl my senior year as well. I really, really, REALLY hate being on the bowling team, but... I don't know, I just can't think about that stupid game anymore. I figure it out later. — 2/2/23
  • I keep having to remind myself that I don't have to explain myself to anyone, and I can organize my Listography however I want... I think I just need to chill. — 1/27/23
dec 29 2022 ∞
aug 5 2023 +