- alternative hogwarts sorting
- primary
- gryffindor
- hufflepuff
- ravenclaw
- slytherin
- secondary
- gryffindor
- hufflepuff
- ravenclaw
- slytherin
- enneagram of personality
- 1 - the reformer
- 2 - the helper
- 3 - the achiever
- 4 - the individualist
- 5 - the investigator
- 6 - the loyalist
- 7 - the enthusiast
- 8 - the challenger
- 9 - the peacemaker
- imbti: myers-briggs
- intuitive
- INFJ - the advocate
- INTJ - the architect
- INFP - the mediator
- INTP - the logician
- ENFP - the campaigner
- ENTP - the debater
- ENFJ - the protagonist
- ENTJ - the commander
- sensor
- ISFJ - the defender
- ISTJ - the logistician
- ISFP - the adventurer
- ISTP - the virtuoso
- ESFP - the entertainer
- ESTP - the entrepreneur
- ESFJ - the consul
- ESTJ - the executive
sep 17 2019 ∞
nov 18 2019 +