Ideas & bits
- Project Life
- 30 Day Challenge (Happiness, Doodles,...)
- 30 things Liz needs to know about me
- 100 random facts
- Photos & Stories from childhood, house, family
- Today was a good day, because... (for 10 days)
- Things to be thankful for
- Things I want to achieve in life
- 30 things
- What our friendship means to me.
- decorated pages with photographs (get copies, Jenn! Darn.)
- little gifts, decorations, maybe even handmade things.
- Quotes
- Pages filled with lots of photos.
- The story behind my Mom's side of the family..
- sidenote: created a private Pinterest board with another 50 ideas for the journal.
- all about the fur family.
- notes & letters
- anxiety help
- mix CD's (uplifting songs to help through anxiety & depression)
More to come.
may 23 2015 ∞
jun 7 2017 +