• My full name is Alexandra, but people call me
    • Ams - My initials
    • Amsyy - An extension of Ams
    • Hana - My Japanese class nickname - means 'flower'
    • Alex - Obvious shortening of Alexandra
    • Allie - Same
    • Luigi - Someone at camp called me that because of my greenish (supposed to be blue!) hair
    • Cake Kitty - I don't even like cake!
    • Kiki - That's how cake in Japanese (Romaji) looks like it's pronounced, even though it's keh-kee
  • If you put the word 'savage' into an English-->Italian translator, my last name comes out
  • I was born on Friday the 13th, March 1992
  • I'm a vegetarian.
    • I was one for 3 years.
    • I stopped.
    • And I have been again since new years.
  • I'm a mutt -
    • American
    • Argentinian
    • Italian
    • French
    • Greek
    • Irish
    • German.
  • I'm bisexual.
  • I'm a non-denominational Christian.
    • I hate bible thumpers.
  • I'm synesthetic. (Google is your friend)
  • My friends and I don't need drugs or alcohol to have fun - in fact, it would probably just put a damper on it.
  • I think too far into the future, and I'm afraid of it.
  • I usually don't date improper typists.
    • I like intelligent people.
  • I'm pretty hypocritical.
  • I hate hypocrites.
    • See?
  • I'm constantly tired.
  • I adore the little things.
  • I am not completely fond of Twilight.
  • I don't support the war - therefore I do not support nor respect the people that volunteer to fight it.
  • I pee in the shower and pick my nose. I swear constantly.
    • I'm rude and crude, but I'm a sweetheart.
  • I dislike "classic" books everyone likes, like: To Kill A Mockingbird, Catcher in the Rye, Lord of the Flies, etc.
  • I would rather have cancer than go to the gynecologist.
  • I'm tonsil free!
  • My favorite author is Gabrielle Zevin.
  • I keep potential PostSecrets in a list in my 'private' section.
    • I never realized how much I was keeping to myself.
  • I usually don't PMS.
    • And when I do, it's not that bad.
  • I can say the alphabet backwards.
  • I was named after a ferret.
jan 19 2009 ∞
jul 3 2009 +