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(that are one letter apart)
see also
wordplay / swordplay
aspirin / aspiring
pacifying / opacifying
laughter / slaughter
residential / presidential
palmistry / psalmistry
koran / Korean
aligned / maligned
lamber / clamber
irate / pirate
auteur / hauteur
bely / belay
comb / combo
latte / latter
alan berg
alban berg
dentures / denatures
desalinization / de-stalinization
astray / ashtray
depot / despot
rapeseed oil / grapeseed oil
bananas / bandanas
ravenous / intravenous
okay, three letters
impudent / imprudent
beatify / beautify
dimer / dimmer
trimer / trimmer
belies / bellies
entails / entrails
upsot / upshot
marred / married
asses / assess
defied / deified
rigidly / frigidly
Bowie / bowtie
mediation / meditation
surname / Suriname
subtopics / subtropics
allowing / wallowing / swallowing
adios / radios
thanks jonathan!
confer / conifer
often / soften
flaming / flamingo
came / camel
uniformed / uninformed
quadruped / quadrupled
revered / reversed
overhead / overheard
comic / cosmic
heretically / hermetically
settle / Seattle
addition / addiction
neural / neutral
smother / smoother
peachy / preachy
lability / liability
Vegas / vegans
Berlin / Oberlin
pastis / pasties
maples / mapless
artisan / partisan
deadlines / deadliness
forge / forget
Antony / antonym
Dustin / dusting
therein / theremin
undeserved / underserved
shogun / shotgun
tagine / tagline
needles / needless
gushy / gunshy
emesis / nemesis
biotch / biotech
insulting / insulating
extant / sextant
rotting / rotating
eggings / jeggings
immorality / immortality
raisin / raising
skillet / skillset
impudent / imprudent
winery / wintery
morels / morsels
exist / sexist
articulate / particulate
usurer / usurper
imperious / impervious
alumna / alumina
gnomic / genomic
heater / heather
rectal / recital
harassed / hardassed
Hanover / hangover
defection / defecation
defeated / defecated
catcall / catchall
stalemates / stablemates
denouement / denouncement
two letters
additive / addictive
firehose / firehouse
airlines / hairlines
turkey / turnkey
ticking / tickling
oxtail / foxtail
greed / agreed
oftener / softener
awful / lawful
divers / diverse
celerity / celebrity
anal / banal
corneal / cornmeal
forging / forgoing
indicted / indicated
that's so meta / that's so metal
hastening / chastening
gamelan / gameplan
imperil / imperial
liability / likability
sorbet / sorbent
faring / farting / farthing
acuity / vacuity
scaling / scalding
deadlocks / dreadlocks
archival / archrival
layering / lawyering
inuit / intuit
daring / darling
pained / painted
purses / pursues
ruination / rumination
brie / bribe
ragged / bragged
hokey / hotkey
coming / combing
overboard / hoverboard
Da Shi / da shit!
savaging / salvaging
arable / parable
cofounded / confounded
really / regally
David Boies / David Bowie's
finale / finagle
alteration / altercation
vanish / varnish
unless / sunless
intestate / interstate
composing / composting
slander / islander
tripe / triple
listening / glistening
insolent / insolvent
india / indica / indicia
Doug / dough
feces / fences
astronomy / gastronomy
elven / eleven
deist / desist
pedant / pendant
frisee / frisbee
simulated / stimulated
shutout / shoutout
textually / texturally
started / startled
boated / bloated
hunches / haunches
food / flood
foodways / floodways
favism (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency causing lethal allergy to fava beans) / fauvism (pre-expressionist artistic movement)
miseries / miniseries
two letters
sentient / sentiment
baking / basking
turbo / turbot
ikea boss / like a boss
beagle / be agile
heists / theists
pended / upended
capers / campers
icily / Sicily
overall / coverall
buses / abuses
salon / salmon
penance / Penzance
tankful / thankful
herby / hereby
parley / parsley
imply / pimply
aug 2 2010 ∞
feb 11 2025 +