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— summer
new year's eve on the beach - got a flu - sun, pool, good heat and a suntan - miss those days already but the proletariat needs to work - went back to toe treatment - its like im working endless - is it too soon to be tired of my job? - finally getting into the book im reading - saw my friends after a LONG time - bike ride - ice cream shop, street bar and coffee shop - became a jobless person again - i have no idea what is going on in my life anymore - i feel so tied - finally some good news thank you god!!!
everything is bad and im slowly loosing my mind again - started to read anne and im enjoying very much - finally back to the internship at the hospital - love story released!!! - to all the boys marathon (im going to miss it) - isn’t carnaval but im enjoying time with him - spent more than a week doing nothing but movie marathon
losing my mind again - caught a cold (again) - started to read the grishaverse - back to studies - my birthday is coming and im feeling empty - 1303 - my birthday was better than i thought - had a bed breakfast and flowers from mom and sushi and wine for dinner with him - grammy award winner harry styles and folklore aoty!!!! - cant handle another lockdown god please make it all pass - so... i started walking again -
— autumn
autumn is officially here and i already feel the weather nicer - oh god i need a job!!! - read a lot this month - cant believe the plans are really going down on paper
my post graduation is almost over - i miss seeing the beach and putting my feet in the sand - the exercises are doing good for my anxiety - im feeling less out of breath and my tremors subsided - did a pilates class online and love it - started circe and im really excited to read it - you take my hand and drag me head first, FEARLESS - cant believe fearless taylor's version is actually here!!! - six of crows is SOMETHING - finally finished my post graduate - there's still a tcc to finish - 23.04 shadow and bone is here and is everything and more - its been hard to read lately and i dont know why - 2 years and 6 months - i wish my life would have more meaning - sometimes i feel like im hovering in the air just waiting for things to happen and change - beach weekend
our first consultation - 11.05 vacina!!!! - SOUR is out - finally started my thesis - literally hangover sucks - well, everything is going
trying to get back on my reading - writing writing writing - do i still know how to socialize? - totally fascinated with maneskin - its our third valentine's day together - finally finished six of crows after two months - spent the night in a farmhouse with my friends - almost finished my tcc -
— winter
go back and forth reading - winter solstice
i guess this is the month that i complete my post graduation and start looking for a job - reading another dark academia series - we can finally spend quality time together - finished my tcc - i think i got a job? idk - finished the folk of the air trilogy - all pending issues resolved, including the delivery of my tcc
didn't get a job - it's raining like an eternity - finished daisy jones - i need to look for a job - a lot of dates this month - park, food truck and a day with my friends - finally finished circe, after 4 months - photo dump - august slipped away into a moment in time
started to read evelyn hugo after a long time thinking about it - trip to the contryside with my friends - i was needing this - more two days at pi's home - mother in law anniversary - back to home after almost one week away - ive been spending so much time with him - reading evelyn hugo and loving it -
— spring
spring is here and is already a hell on earth - just hoping summer doesn't burn us all - sometimes i feel like i have failed with myself and i have to constantly remind myself to breathe through it all - started to study english bc i'll need A LOT - im happy bc i finally have a routine and its making me real good
watching the spookytober list - i just love october and the concept about fall, i just wish i could see it with my own eyes soon - doing exercises almost every day!!! - im finally seeying changes in my body - it is so hot and its still spring, i dont even want to think about summer - we went to a fine sushi restaurant to celebrate our early 3 years anniversary - his nose surgery
almost 2 weeks in his house taking care of him - diving into the world of acotar and loving every bit of it - mundinho rhysand br - im very afraid of what i've been feeling these days, and scared of my crises - reading a lot of fantasy books this month
beach house with my family and uncle's thematic party - we gave our first big step and our dream is finally coming true and its still so unreal, i hardly can believe it - took my booster dose!!! - i love my friends and every time we go out its like we never been apart so long - we went to see the newest spider man and it is marvelous - spent the christmas with my family and it was funny, we cook drink and laugh a lot - really gonna miss them - we're going to the beach for new year's eve and the rest of the first week of january, as usual - i love the peace of mind i feel there - til' next year (: