The Day of Direct Current

Quick Words



  • March 22 people have a sense of infallibility and refuse to be denied. They feel no need to shout their message from the rooftops—on the contrary, they are often quietly self-assured individuals who loathe self-aggrandizement. If they so choose, those born on this day can be very successful in business or finance, carefully making their way through the competitive corporate jungle. They are not easily sidetracked or led astray, and thus continue inexorably on their path to success. Of course, some March 22 people focus on goals that are much more modest—making a happy family life, enjoying leisure time or developing a hobby—but reach that goal they must.
  • One of the most difficult qualities for others to deal with in March 22 people is that they will not submit to an analysis of their character nor admit to subconscious motives. Quite simply, those born on this day are among the few types who are exactly what they appear to be (no more, no less) and woe to anyone who attempts to look behind the frank exterior they present to the world! Not surprisingly, they are also allergic to all forms of pretense, sham or underhandedness they perceive in others. Unfortunately, they run the risk of mistaking diplomacy for duplicity, so averse are they to indirectness.
  • Many March 22 people carry a heroic picture of themselves in their minds, an idealized image that they try to emulate. What they aspire to may not be a terribly dramatic kind of heroism but rather a quiet and protective valor that earns the respect and even worship of their family, friends and associates. Indeed, those born on this day often earn a reputation for being ultra-dependable.
  • Once March 22 people have discovered their true calling (generally found by the time they are in their middle twenties), they will usually continue on course for the rest of their lives. Other activities may grow out of this role, particularly in later years, but the fundamental connection will always exist. Rarely will those born on this day make sudden or abrupt shifts away from their chosen path.
  • March 22 people will find career fulfillment if they are able to look at their products or services critically; if they are unable to do so, they will be repeatedly baffled and frustrated, confused by their inability to achieve success. In addition they must keep their enthusiasm in check, not only because they may get too carried away and overreach the mark, but also because others may be put off by their manner. In addition, March 22 people should be sensitive to any tendencies within themselves toward despotism or tyrannical behavior.


  • The danger with March 22 people is that because of their confident nature and high energy they will take good health for granted. By overlooking the fact that health must be maintained, they may fall prey to their boundless enthusiasm. Plans to control calories, balance vitamin intake or add needed food supplements seem to go out the window with most March 22 people. They want to eat just what they like. Because they despise health or food fads, their families and friends should appeal to them on the grounds of good sense. A moderate amount of exercise (gardening and outdoor sports are recommended) and a reasonable limitation on fats and sweets in the diet may be acceptable to them; better to gradually phase in changes in diet without making a big issue of it.


  • Love involves respect for the time and space of all living things.


  • Have patience with those who are not as well-directed as you. Continue to move slowly but surely, working hard but also letting things just happen sometimes. Cultivate diplomacy and allow others in a bit more.

The Week of Renewal

Quick Words



  • Those born during the Week of Renewal are unusually direct in their approach to life, and their outspokenness can make them alternately admired or misunderstood.
  • These are basic, elemental individuals. The puzzling thing about them is that although they themselves think that they see things in a simple and unclouded way, those who know them well often describe them as unrealistic dreamers, unable to get a handle on the harsh realities of the world. They outwardly present a dynamic directness that often belies a sensitive, emotionally complex, even troubled inner life. Thus they are doers as well as dreamers and have a no-nonsense, “what you see is what you get” attitude that actually tells only part of the story.
  • Misunderstandings about them abound. Out of the purest motives possible, for example, they may make a generous offer, perhaps of time or money. Yet before you know it, they are being accused of acting holier-than-thou, or of behaving condescendingly when those on the receiving end feel resentment. Meanwhile, they feel bewildered and hurt. Such scenarios are not uncommon in their lives. As a matter of fact, the more simply and directly they behave, the more others misread their intentions.
  • This directness inevitably arouses antagonism. However, those who are unwise enough to oppose them directly will quickly regret it. In addition, because of their quickness in grasping concepts and, often, in implementing their intuitive hunches, they may encounter resistance from those who move more slowly. Such a response has little effect on them, only arousing their impatience. Thus, particularly in group endeavors they must learn to curb their impetuosity, to listen to the often helpful suggestions of others, to slow their tempo and come into synch with the group rhythm. Ultimately, they must learn to weigh alternatives carefully before speaking or acting. Once they accomplish this, their logic can be remarkably persuasive and their thoroughness compelling.
  • Although their effect on people should teach them that something about their own behavior is amiss, they generally refuse to change. They cannot really see any fault in what they do since, in their view, they are acting out of pure intentions. In the end, they often do get their way, whether by forging ahead without letup or by just sticking to their guns until the other party gives in.
  • Dealing with failure can be particularly difficult. Since outright failure is not really in their vocabulary, when confronted with unavoidable defeat they are often baffled and bewildered. But their defense mechanisms in this respect are superb, and they are often spared defeat simply by their refusal to recognize it. They are not usually so unrealistic as to mistake losing for winning, but they do often view losing as just a partial setback on the way to a victory only temporarily postponed.
  • Others can learn, however, how to deal with them successfully. One of the main rules is not to dig too deeply into their motives or to urge them to explain themselves. Another is not to try to analyze their personalities, or even to push them toward self-analysis. Yet those who use example rather than precept in encouraging them gently to be more objective about themselves can meet with success. This is not to say that they can’t learn from their own mistakes, simply that they must from time to time be encouraged to do so.
  • Another, even simpler route to getting along with them is just to do what they say, at least for the time being. If you can come up with a better idea later, they will be prepared to listen, but rarely if ever in their first burst of enthusiasm. It is important to recognize how important impulses, hunches, and first actions are to these individuals. Blunting or negating their intuitions with advice and alternative suggestions can easily alienate them forever. Rarely, however, will anyone succeed in breaking their spirit or damping their forward movement for long.
  • In relationships, they can be faithful partners, although their faithfulness may be more emotional than literal. They can love deeply and passionately, in other words, giving a great deal of attention to their love object, but at the same time they are not always monogamous; their intuitive, fiery side is always vulnerable to some exciting new prospect that suddenly appears. Their partner is generally the one expected to play the more stable, long-suffering role. Not that they themselves demand monogamy from their mate; actually, in many cases, a relationship that is more open on both sides suits them better, since it allays any guilt they might feel about their own indiscretions.
  • Those born during the Week of Renewal generally function better as parents than they did as children, feeling more loyalty and responsibility to their offspring than they did to their elders when they were younger. Family can have surprisingly strong meaning for these highly independent souls, but family in the larger sense, including friends and associates as well as kin.

The Month of the Dynamos


  • I AM


  • The Month of the Dynamo is the first and most elemental of the twelve months in the Personology year, representing the beginning of all things. People born during this month primal in nature and resist divisiveness, analysis or attempts to explain them. They represent the ego and the will in their purest form.
  • Energetic and forceful, these people are fiery, prodigious and dynamic. They wish to exist for their own sake, rather than to understand themselves through objective comparison. These positive people strive for the purest manifestation—they simply are. As such, they do not take kindly to being misunderstood or mistaken for something which they are not.
  • People born during the Month of the Dynamo month transmute diffuse, watery and otherworldly energies into fixed, earthy and practical ones.
  • Their personality can be likened to the human organism which must be nurtured in order to survive but soon undergoes a series of developmental steps which help it to understand its surroundings. This new being also starts to impact on its environment—gaining language, perception, socialization and other survival skills in the process. Like young children, people born this month tend to be spontaneous, frank and open, but also self-centered and willful.
  • Still innocent, they apprehend the world with awe and wonder. The urge to be the star and to shine is strong in them but equally so is the impulse to explore. Generally speaking, they do not seek approval to bolster their egos but rather demand that others pay attention to them, since they know the value of what they have to offer. Self-doubt is poison to them, but unless they learn the value of introspection they run the risk of breakdowns when their high self-confidence is undermined.
  • These people need to explore their physical limits, much as children do, in order to develop properly. They tend to prefer action to contemplation—for them, the best way to deal with a situation is not to ruminate on it at length but to do something about it promptly. These people can suffer acutely when their attempts to act are thwarted or delayed. For this reason, they may have to learn to withdraw from life periodically in order to gain objectivity and study problems from a distance.
  • People born during the Month of the Dynamo often display a strong desire to lead. Those who manifest this need to be first yet lack the necessary executive or leadership skills to do so will find themselves frustrated, even prone to self-pity. At their best they can be truly original and idealistic pioneers but at their worst only novelty-seeking, unfeeling egotists.

The Way of Intention

Quick Words



  • Those born during the Way of Intention must learn how to concentrate fully on any matter at hand, to eliminate the superfluous from their life and work, and to acquire greater mastery. While these thoroughly practical men and women have an innate ability to focus, too often this ability is more sporadic than consistent in nature. While they are already able to concentrate in short, intense spurts, they are here to learn how to focus over the long haul. For this to occur, they must learn to set an intention and hold it. The development of such a capacity for intention is, in essence, about harnessing one’s own mind for a specific purpose. For these individuals—who are easily knocked off balance and blown off course—this is far more difficult than it may seem.
  • At first glance, they often appear to be the epitome of the “natural man”. Highly sensuous, they enjoy life and its pleasures with the greatest of gusto. A core lesson for them is how not to be sidetracked, whether by the latest pleasure or the latest gizmo, scheme, or plan, all of which usually offer only short­term rewards. In fact, much of the journey for these sybaritic individuals involves learning how to tame these urges in order to focus on more important areas of life: work, health, home life, or relationships with spouses, friends, or children. These voluptuous men and women can easily remain ensconced in their pleasures, yet by doing so would stagnate intellectually, psychologically, morally, and spiritually. Apt to be content with the status quo, they tend to avoid anything that requires discipline and attention, thus stymieing their ability to move forward to greater achievements. Therefore, they must literally pull themselves out of the proverbial Eden and move onward.
  • It may be easy to spot these individuals on the street; they are the ones who are meandering along enjoying the life around them with a gently sexual swagger to their stride, occasionally stopping to peer intently at whatever catches their fancy. Their challenge, however, is to learn how to move resolutely toward a goal by firmly setting their intention on reaching and keeping it. They must teach themselves to be less pragmatically involved in details—which usually bog them down—and more morally driven. That is, they need to have the moral courage to think always of the long­term goal and the greater good by cutting away all that does not contribute to those aims.
  • Their struggles can be substantial, for they are born with a great deal of stubbornness and resistance to change. Only when they have succeeded in eliminating a certain laziness from their character will they free their hands to grapple with the world. While their tenacity can help them, they often use it instead to merely cling to the status quo, often staying in the same rut year after year, whether it is good for them or not, and never freeing themselves from the old habits that are so deeply ingrained in their personality. Moreover, their emotional vulnerability to the approval and disapproval of others can hold them back. Moving toward a more truthful, single­minded, and dynamic approach requires letting go of a kind of smug self­satisfaction. In order for their core lessons of focusing and intending to be learned, they must keep their eyes firmly on an object they desire, not be sidetracked, and acquire a somewhat compulsive attitude that will not compromise or let up in its intensity.
  • The primary area in which their struggle takes place is first and foremost within themselves. Before they accomplish a psychological and spiritual turnaround, they will be unable to proceed effectively in their professional or personal activities. In early years, family and school may be the arenas of such training, which could well involve strict parents and teachers who plant the first seeds of an uncompromising approach to chores and study habits. Sooner or later, they will see that a hard choice must be made between present pleasures and future goals if anything meaningful is to be accomplished. Of course, the ability to enjoy themselves must not be impaired or even crushed in childhood, or the result may well be a workaholic or puritanical attitude, which could cripple all real spiritual growth and prevent any lasting happiness.
  • Obviously, these extremes are problematical. They always risk getting bogged down in their own sensuality and procrastination. Since they can so easily slip back, they must be ruthless in blocking out their tendency just to hang out and relax. However, the opposite problem, that of taking over and creating unbearable tensions and an inability to take it easy, must also be dealt with. A pattern of hard work and reward is undoubtedly the best kind of program. In such a scenario, having proceeded to home in on a problem and solve it with the laserlike focus, their sensuous side can kick in to provide great satisfaction in the ensuing rest period.
  • Above all, those on the Way of Intention have a fascination for the simple pleasures, for nature and natural living. If they can lead a simpler life, their goal of avoiding distractions may be more easily achieved. Thus, it is highly recommended that they live a more rural lifestyle that will help them avoid the many amusements that larger cities offer. In nature, it is far easier for these individuals to see the bigger picture and to stick to their goals. What is perhaps best for them is to have a “normal” lifestyle, in which family and neighborhood responsibilities must be discharged regularly. By forming bonds with their neighbors and taking pride in their home, they will have a greater chance for domestic happiness. Also, in the process a middle ground can be forged between their excessive physicality and spartan attitudes. Parties, dinners with friends, holiday celebrations, and family get-togethers are all venues that encourage self­expression and sharing.
  • In relationships, a danger exists that their stubborn, tenacious qualitiy will overlie and meld with an overly stern or hurtful attitude, thus creating an unforgiving attitude toward others that can survive for years or even decades. Learning to let go of resentments and blame, which can easily provide a source of distraction for years, is imperative for these folks who find it easy to be overpossessive, even codependent, in their relationships. This can be gratifying to the object of their affections, their intended, or a mate who is made to feel needed and appreciated, but it can also cause them to feel trapped or at least hemmed in. Moreover, this sort of attention to relationship is apt to keep them from focusing on more important, longer­term goals. Therefore, the best mates for them are strong, dedicated individuals who are able to withstand their partner’s intensity without giving up their own individuality. Mates, friends, and lovers who are weak and overly dependent will only arouse the wrong kind of protective energy or demand too much attention, holding back their development. A good partner for these individuals is pragmatic enough to help them keep their focus while also having the capacity to see the big picture, helping to broaden their loved one’s focus.
  • The people born during the Way of Intention can be personified by a sculptor who crafts his vision from a piece of marble. Chipping away day after day, the sculptor rids his work of all extraneous material, ultimately revealing the beautiful form within the stone. Focused and always keeping the image of his finished piece in mind, the artist does not allow anything to come between themself and their creation. Thus, they are challenged to keep their passion for their goal alive through both thick and thin, until the last piece falls into place and the desired outcome is achieved; otherwise, their creative intensity might flag, their resolve weaken, and their vision fade.

Core Lesson

  • Developing the self-mastery not to permit distraction at any cost.
  • To remain focused over the long term.


  • It’s often not enough to have a goal in mind; usually one must also have the intention to achieve it.
      • The joy of accomplishment.



  • Cusp of Rebirth people travelling the Way of Intention will have something of a struggle because they have an impulse to oversimplify their lives and habits that is at odds with the complexity of their creative urges. Blessed with formidable intuition and the ability to “do” as well as to dream, they can nevertheless become mired in an emotional vulnerability that keeps them from taking necessary risks. Alternatively, they may become preoccupied with other people’s motivations and perceptions and fail to be true to themselves. Those with this configuration will nevertheless find great reward and satisfaction in those they consider family, including friends, love interests, and especially children. If they are careful not to turn their eyes from the future or to turn the energy of focusing inward, they will receive great rewards and accomplish great things.


  • Wading through the complex of their emotions to find a focus.
      • being fully prepared for all that may come their way.
mar 1 2013 ∞
mar 1 2013 +