- black and white suits are the fashion of choice.
- comic books, cartoons, and comic strips are not just for kids.
- define your film.
- driving scenes.
- everybody needs to use the bathroom - always.
- forget roofs.
- forget to yell cut often.
- have a case of goodies, considering keeping the contents secret.
- have somebodies brains blown out.
- have something secret, hidden from our view.
- home cooked dinners are out; diners are in.
- include feet.
- keep the credits font basic but memorable.
- keep your characters socialised - phones are always around.
- let the corpse have eyes.
- lips are sexy, close ups preferred.
- lots of Asian influence, please.
- Mexican standoffs make everything so much more intense.
- mirrors, baby; strike a pose.
- never showcase big brands.
- use "Red Apple" cigarettes or "G.O." juice, "Big Kahuna" burgers, "Fruit Brute" cereal, "Teriyaki Donut" fast food, or "Jack Rabbit Slims" diner instead.
- people love watching television; keep the shows old school.
- record players are better than stereos.
- samurai swords are preferred weapons.
- show off your dance moves.
- squares are in.
- throw in the occasional piece of black and white film.
- torture offscreen, but make us think we saw it all.
- trunk shots, oh yeah.
- we want to know the destination beforehand, via map.
- what was once an insult for black people is everyday speech in the film.
- when your character wakes up, make it violent.
feb 19 2013 ∞
aug 31 2013 +