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Explorer. Photographer. Lover of the Sea &Sun. Obsessed with lists!

“I can never read all the books I want; I can never be all the people I want and live all the lives I want. I can never train myself in all the skills I want. And why do I want? I want to live and feel all the shades, tones and variations of mental and physical experience possible in life. And I am horribly limited.”
-Sylvia ...

Amy books (2025 TBR (ongoing from before))
milkywaydelight places (I've travelled to)
films (watched 2025)
books (Christian, owned)
Centaine books (Lezen)


notes may 5 2019
to do (seattle ) feb 17 2019
notes dec 20 2018
notes sep 26 2017
notes sep 21 2017
to do (2016) sep 13 2017
notes jul 20 2017
notes jan 15 2016
quotes (<3) jan 8 2016
food (Wine ) jan 8 2016
notes sep 18 2015
notes sep 15 2015
notes aug 31 2015
notes feb 11 2015
notes dec 15 2014
notes oct 15 2014
notes jun 12 2014
notes mar 4 2014
notes feb 9 2014
notes feb 6 2014
notes feb 4 2014
notes jan 26 2014
notes jan 14 2014
notes jan 9 2014
art (activities) apr 15 2013



activities (21) feb 10 2015
travel (Arizona) jan 26 2015