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ᯓ★ stopped ★ᯓ

༊ * · ˚ ⠀ m a y !

    • 01. i went out to dinner with my three little cousins, my aunt, and my mom yesterday, then we went to the park and played for a while. i hope that things are improving!! ┊ 04. sigh… liz is in town and invited josh and i to a game night at kate’s house last night to catch up with our old "prom squad" from high school that we used to hang out with all of the time; conner and andrew were even going to be there, too. it’s really hard to get us all in one place at one time anymore (we’re still missing two people), so it was really cool that (almost) everyone was able to get together for the first time in a VERY long time. however, i sadly couldn’t bring myself to go. my mental health has been so awful for over a month now, and it’s been taking all of my effort to simply exist. it makes me beyond sad that i couldn’t catch up with everyone like old times… luckily, i think we are going to try to plan another game night with all of us as soon as everyone is free again. but still… sigh… having mental illnesses sucks so bad. but all i can do is wait it out and try my best to remain hopeful and optimistic. it’s all just been really hard lately. ┊ 10. brenda and emmy stopped by yesterday and brought mom a beautiful flower for mother’s day <3 ┊ 11. my sister and her husband came over today, and they 𝘢𝘭𝘴𝘰 brought mom a flower for mother’s day <3 + i’m so worried about gemini… i made a vet appointment for tuesday just to make sure all is well. i’ve been stressing 24/7 about her—she’s just not been acting like herself lately, and i’ve been driving myself crazy with worry. (◞‸◟) ┊ 18. gemini has been acting quite a bit better, but i’m going to keep a close eye on her over the weekend and see if she still seems like she needs the vet monday. .-. ┊ 24. my aunt took me to the vet to have gemini checked out on monday; they gave her an sq injection and a shot for nausea that also increases appetite. we brought her back yesterday to give blood, and i’m hoping to get the results tomorrow. she did sooo good being out of the house and being around strangers. 🥺 she’s the sweetest little kitty on earth. <3

༊ * · ˚ ⠀ a p r i l !

    • 03. i’m still really trying!! + i love dunkin’s coconut iced lattes ♡ ┊ 11. i’ve been having a really rough time lately, but i’m getting there—slowly but surely!! ┊ 12. made grilled cheeses and tomato bisque for mom and i to celebrate national grilled cheese day! i love silly little holidays. (it was very good. :p) ┊ 16. my mom, my aunt, and i went to mcalister’s deli after mom’s appointment; we ate out on the the patio since the weather was nice, and it honestly felt like a cute little picnic. ♡ (then we went and got ice cream!) ┊ 17. i finally had my doctor appointment today; we’ve decided to increase my medication dosage. sighhh… let’s see how this goes!!! >-< ┊ 19. so far so good!!! + i talked with doc and jackson on the phone for the first time in a looong time… improvements!!! <3 ┊ 29. sigh… this past month or so has been so difficult… i’m doing my best to remain hopeful that things will improve. mental health can take such a toll.

༊ * · ˚ ⠀ m a r c h !

    • 01. i find ike barinholtz sooo attractive ┊ 06. caught up with an old friend today (liz!) + completed difficult tasks i was planning on ignoring ~ :) ┊ 10. the weather has been so niceee + i got to see my neighbor (who is a sweet little old man) and his tiny chihuahua at the park today for the first time since autumn! <3 ┊ 18. went shopping and got japanese food with josh, doc, and jackson + garrett joined us later, and we all played ticket to ride for the first time! :3 ┊ 21. josh and i went thrifting for while and played pokémon go at a few different parks! :3 + we saw a blue heron and a red-tailed hawk! ┊ 30. it’s been a rough week…

༊ * · ˚ ⠀ f e b r u a r y !

    • 02. i went out for pasta with josh, doc, jackson, and (finally) garrett! we also went to doc's apartment and played card games and jackbox. :3 ┊ 09. i saw a showing of turning red in theaters with josh, doc, jackson, and garrett + we went and got dinner + we went back to doc's apartment and played games again! :3 ┊ 14. i got to do the zoom interview with axel today for the immigrant interview in psychology, and he is super, super nice!! i'm so glad he (and jackson!) could help me with this assignment. :') oh, and happy valentine's day!! <3

༊ * · ˚ ⠀ j a n u a r y !

    • 07. cleaned my makeup/skincare area and all of my organizers and brushes! ~ ┊ 11. happy birthday, katie!!! <3 ┊ 13. happy birthday, linna! ┊ 15. ahh! it's the first snow day of the season!! :'D there's sooo much outside. oh, and i built a snowgirl! ^-^ ┊ 16. there is sooo much snow!! <3 school was cancelled! ┊ 17. the snow hasn't budged, and i'm sure there are ~9 inches out there! i love how pretty it is, but everyone is essentially trapped at their house and everything is closed. we usually don't get this much here (nor does it last this long), so the city doesn't really know how to take proper precautions, lol. ┊ 24. my birthday was great!! :D josh surprised me with a my melody build-a-bear!! <33 + josh, doc, jackson, and i went out to eat, then josh bought me ice cream, and we went back to doc’s apartment and played games all night!! ;w; i’m so thankful for the people in my life. ♡ ┊ 25. i had to give my first speech of the semester in my public speaking class today! it went very well, and everyone was very kind. :3
jan 4 2024 ∞
jun 28 2024 +