reads -

  • where the crawdads sing by delia owens
  • the night circus by erin morgenstern
  • pan's labyrinth by cornelia funke & guillermo del toro
  • the tea dragon tapestry by kay o'neill
  • swimming in the dark by tomasz jedrowski


  • eluveitie
  • taylor swift
  • ry x
  • faun
  • sowulo
  • black sabbath
  • the phantom of the opera
  • futurescapes

movies & tv shows

  • dune II
  • the handmaiden
  • dreams (1990)
  • godzilla minus one
  • blade runner 2049
  • kokon
  • godzilla (2014)
  • shaun the sheep: farmageddon
  • let's dance - season 16 (rewatch)

video games

  • inside
  • kingdom: two crowns
  • gris
  • stardew valley


  • dates w/ peanut butter, dark chocolate & sea salt
  • oatmeal w/ frozen raspberries, walnuts, peanut butter & chocolate
  • green asparagus fried in olive oil w/ tomatoes, feta & potatoes
  • vegan white chocolate cake with rhubarb & edible flowers
  • edible flowers
  • kanelbullar
  • tapioka pudding
  • vegan peppercorn steak


  • kunsthistorisches museum, vienna
  • raimundtheater, vienna
  • my parents' garden
  • mariefred, sweden
  • trosa, sweden
  • a.'s island, sweden
  • the science fiction bookstore, stockholm
  • lütte backstuv, schleswig-holstein
  • the baltic sea
  • sweden sweden sweden
  • hamburg

musicals & concerts

  • phantom of the opera, raimundtheater vienna
  • rebecca, raimundtheater vienna
  • taylor swift, hamburg

other stuff

  • hiit & tabata training / emkfit (basically all of her workouts), growingannanas' glute workout
  • my new meet matt(e) hughes lipstick (gift from saskia)
  • tauschticket
  • booktube - the book castle, theshadesoforange & rg's devilship
  • star trek evenings with chris
  • katie hunter-moon
  • everand
  • k. and my k. playlist. why do i find so much enjoyment in this topic even though it makes me so sad?
  • finding books from my wishlist in our Bücherschrank!
  • my two obsessions of 2024: gardening and finances
  • seeing the northern lights while lying in my bed. insane.
  • youtube channels (gardening): just alex, selinatur
  • anneliese leska
  • film photography & my new kodak ektar
    • amazon accidentally sending me my new camera for free


  • our first campsite under the trees, the smell of the baltic sea, wild rabbits and hedgehogs, the roses of ystad, finding a café i had pinned on googlemaps yeeears ago (söderberg & sara), kanelbullar, sunrise mission: c. showing me the little islands of västervik, the moon above the sea, eating veggie burgers at max (the spicy avocado one is my favourite), buying fresh strawberries from a grandpa at the ystad farmers market & eating them in the car while listening to audiobooks, realizing more and more i want to move to scandinavia, golden sunlight, bats, pitching the tent together, dave & jon's dadlar - especially the salted caramel peanuts ones and the fizzy bottles, red and yellow houses everywhere, trosa (the loveliest small town - i want to go back and spend a few quiet days there in a house by the canal), having vietnamese lunch in stockholm, finding a beautiful bookstore in stockholm and buying the dune novel, taking analog photos in gamla stan - another place i need to return to because i didn't have enough time, spontaneously staying at a random horse hotel in the middle of nowhere in småland because we didn't reach our campsite in time (we had too much fun at the flygvapenmuseum in linköping! childlike wonder!!), playing stardew valley in the kitchen (best wifi connection).
  • mariefred! what a beautiful beautiful town - my fav in sweden so far. i want to live in the countryside but i could totally see myself living in mariefred. finding the most beautiful place like...ever. i'll definitely be back. my mission for the next time: find all the cute trädgård (greenhouse & garden) cafés! coffee at två goda ting, seeing the gripsholm lion and buying matching tote bags and postcards (lol).
  • staying at a commune who lives on a small island in stockholms skärgård - probably the most peaceful place i have ever been to? i'm obsessed with the huge garden, the bees, a. growing veggies and herbs, the little blue house c. and i were sleeping in - by the water! -, the other three buildings on the island, the dinners together (still thinking about the vegan peppercorn steak and tapioka pudding), drinking red wine every evening, THE MINDFULNESS, appreciation and effort that was put into every meal, fresh flowers on the table, the dogs, c. and i walking around the island hand in hand, flower crowns lying around and the withering maypole in the garden - midsommar remnants, the semaphore, reading where the crawdads sing in one of the hammocks, taking tons of analog photos, the foxgloves by the main house, hearing wild animals in the dark (probably the badger), taking (self) portraits by the sea, no running water and no real toilet, no dishwasher and no washing machine - i actually enjoyed the simplicity and doing things by hand. realizing i don't need much. yearning for a simpler, slower life and self-sufficiency. homemade everything (sourdough bread, jam, granola), having dinner in the garden, leaving all the doors and windows open at all times, taking the motorboat from one island to the other (so much fun!), the kids making kanelbullar and the whole house smelling like cinnamon, cardamom and sugar. I would almost was a life changing trip? reminder to myself: this kind of life is actually possible.
  • denmark: t. making gin tonic (meine güte, hat der geballert. i felt so dizzy but it was so so good) and bread filled with raisins and seeds, c. and i taking a walk in the danish woodlands + seeing a fox in the meadow, eating fresh redcurrants and honey queen raspberries from the garden.
  • hamburg: vegan döner developing film movie + stardew valley nights sushi the cat reading outside birdnet still eating tons of kanelbullar schleswig holstein meeting i. and his family eckernförde vikings market on the beach baltic sea feeling sand and water between my toes cute little bakery ciabatta tomate mozzarella summer rain seeing rainbows going to bookshops toy stores and comic book stores buying fresh cherries luicellas vegan mango maracuja sorbet with raspberry sauce (best ice cream) the kiosk lady giving me a cola even tho i couldn't pay for it (stupid me forgot to bring cash) hamburg people <3 food as love language fav movies we watched: dune ii, godzilla, godzilla minus one, totoro rewatch, dreams, blade runner 2049 growing giant crops (melons and cauliflowers!) in stardew a brown 1972 chevrolet impala and the driver playing old american music - not a car person but i love this car & the vibes and wish i couldve taken a film photo having some nice photoshoots rewatching the empire strikes back and the return of the jedi autumnal summer <3 rain and tea and spending time in bed and cuddling with the cat feeling so so safe
feb 1 2024 ∞
jul 26 2024 +