first: get rid of/sell some old stuff! i don't want to buy something i don't really need or already have.
- barefoot shoes (vivobarefoot - magna lite womens (brown), feelgrounds - chelsea, vivobarefoot - tracker forest)
- films for my kodak ektar (kodak gold 200, lomography 400, fuji superior 400, kodak colorplus 200)
magazines & books
camera stuff
- negativhüllen & negativordner
- systemkamera (fujifilm; secondhand)
- sigma 24-70mm f2,8
- a pretty & unique camera strap
- more sd cards / case
- more batteries for my camera
- a hasselblad ;_;
- a mamiya (not sure which one)
- dji mini
- film pouch
- more hard drives (sandisk ssd 2b etc)
- camera bag ✔
- a cute camping mug / kupilka mug
- new backpack
- kaffeekocher für unterwegs ✔
- campingkocher / kochset
- a tent
- basic outdoor outfit i actually feel comfortable in
- find my new "go to make up" -> find a more long lasting foundation & blush
- goly natural micellar water
- earrings insp 1 2
- sword earrings
- body chains
- hair beads
- some new rings
- find retinol that works for me 1
- auguste
- anthropologie
- free people
- go to thrift stores! (secondhand clothes & books, maybe home stuff)
- winter clothes (sweaters in dark blue, dark green or black, a jacket)
- basic shirts
- candles
- crystals
- match boxes
- tarot cards
jun 14 2019 ∞
feb 5 2025 +